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Terms containing smooth | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSSmooth Streamsmooth stream (Digital media that is delivered in a continuous flow across a network by one of the IIS Smooth Streaming extensions for IIS 7 (IIS Smooth Streaming or IIS Live Smooth Streaming))
comp., MSSmooth Streamingsmooth streaming (A form of adaptive streaming used by the IIS Smooth Streaming extensions for IIS 7)
comp., MSSmooth Streaming-HeuristikenSmooth Streaming heuristics (Stream-switching logic algorithms hosted by Smooth Streaming-compatible clients (primarily Microsoft Silverlight) that determine the optimal bit rate in a Smooth Streaming presentation to render at any given instant. The two main criteria used to determine which bit rate is best to stream at any given instant are available bandwidth and client video-processing capability)
comp., MSSmooth Streaming-PräsentationSmooth Streaming presentation (The collection of files that enable smooth streaming)
comp., MSSmooth Streaming-PräsentationsinhaltSmooth Streaming presentation content (Video files (with .ismv file name extensions) and audio files (with .isma file name extensions). Each file is output from an encoder (Expression Encoder 2 SP1 in this case) at different bit rates and synchronized such that clients can seamlessly request contiguous fragments from different files as network and CPU conditions change. The content files are a media container that stores the contiguous MP4 fragments)
comp., MSSmooth Streaming-PräsentationsmanifestSmooth Streaming presentation manifest (A file that stores information about the Smooth Streaming presentation)