
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Wahrung | all forms
alternative Währungbuyer currency (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
alternative Währungalternate currency (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
Bestellung in mehreren Währungenmulticurrency order (An online purchase of items that are priced in different currencies)
Einheit der funktionalen Währungfunctional currency unit (A currency unit of a country/region in which a primary legal entity locates its business activities and in which it generates most of its revenue and expenses)
funktionale Währungfunctional currency (The primary currency in which a company maintains its financial records. Typically the functional currency is the currency for the country/region where the company is located)
Transaktion in mehreren Währungenmulticurrency transaction (An exchange of money for goods or services between a buyer and a business or between a supplier and a business, in which the preferred currency of the buyer or supplier is different than the base currency specified for the site)
Währungs-LCIDcurrency LCID (A value that identifies the locale for currency handling. The default value is zero, which uses the default locale ID of the server)