
Terms containing Silo | all forms | exact matches only
transp.Auto-Silomechanical car park
construct.Basisebene eines Silosbasement floor of silo
construct.Basisgeschoß eines Silossilo basement
agric.Beschicken des silossilo loading
agric.Beschicken des silossilo filling
mater.sc.feststehender Silopermanent silo
agric.Füllen des Silossilo loading
agric.Füllen des Silossilo filling
agric.gasdichter Silosealed silo
agric.gasdichter Siloair-tight silo
agric.gasdichtes Silo für Feuchtgetreidehermetically sealed silo for moist grain
agric.Graben-Silotrench silo
comp., MSIEEE 1667-kompatibler SiloIEEE 1667 compatible silo (A silo that is defined outside of the IEEE 1667 Working Group but uses the IEEE 1667 protocol to provide extensibility to allow people outside the IEEE 1667 Working Group (e.g. other standards, individuals, companies) to define a silo that uses the IEEE 1667 protocol for host to device communication)
construct.landwirtschaftliches Siloagricultural silo
industr., construct.Nass-Silowet silo
industr., construct.Nass-Silosilo for wet particles
construct.niedriger Silosquat silo
mater.sc.Plastikfolie-Siloplastic-sheet silo
mater.sc.Plastikfolie-Siloplastic film silo
agric.runder Futtertrog rund um den Silocircular feeder
agric., construct.Schober-Silostack silo
agric.Silo an der Oberflächesurface silo
mater.sc.Silo-Anlagesilo battery
agric.Silo-Aufsetzringstack silo forming ring
agric.Silo aus beschichtetem Kunststoffgewebesilo from plastic covered material
mater.sc.Silo aus Beton-oder Holzplattenstave silo
mater.sc.Silo-Batteriesilo battery
med.Silo-Füller-Syndromsilo-filler's disease
med.Silo-Füller-Syndromelevator's disease
agric.Silo für schwerfließende Produktesilo for non-free flowing products
agric.Silo mit Lukenbandsilo with access hatches
agric.Silo mit Trocknungsanlagesilo with drier
IT, dat.proc.Silo-Speicherpush-up store
ITSilo-Speicherpush-up storage
agric.Silo-Strohhäckslerensilage and straw-cutter
gen.Silos aus Metallsilos of metal
gen.Silos, nicht aus Metallsilos not of metal
agric., mech.eng.Silos zur Speicherung in einer Schutzatmosphaeresilos for confined atmosphere storage
agric.Spiral-Bandstahl-Silospiral steel strip constructed silo
construct.Trommelschuß eines Silossilo cylindrical section
mater.sc.Wellenblech-Silocorrugated steel grain storage bin
tech.Zement silocement silo