
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Projekte | all forms
Beziehung zwischen Projekteninter-project dependency (A way to show that your project, or a specific task in your project, requires a deliverable in another project. Your project and task dates are not affected by changes to the dates in the project you are dependent upon)
BizTalk-ProjektBizTalk project (A type of Visual Studio project used to create applications that run on BizTalk Server)
DAC-ProjektDAC project (A Visual Studio project used by database developers to create and develop a DAC. DAC projects get full support from Visual Studio and VSTS source code control, versioning, and development project management)
Enterprise-Projektenterprise project (A project that is stored in Project Server to ensure information integrity. To make changes to an enterprise project, users with access permissions are required to check it in and out from Project Server)
externes Projektexternal project (A project with a direct customer relation)
Gespeicherte ProjekteSaved Projects (A holding place where Works Projects created or customized by the user are displayed)
internes Projektinternal project (A project without a direct customer relation)
mehrere Projektemultiple projects (Several project plans that may or may not be linked or consolidated. If you are working on several projects at one time, you can compare information about critical paths, resource sharing, or priorities among all of the projects)
Microsoft Access-ProjektMicrosoft Access project (An Access file that connects to a Microsoft SQL Server database and is used to create client/server applications. A project file doesn't contain any data or data-definition-based objects such as tables and views)
Nicht-Enterprise-Projektnon-enterprise project (A project that has not been published to Project Server, either because it is being saved by someone who is not a project manager on the project, or because there is not a valid connection to the server)
organisationsübergreifendes Projektenterprise-level project (A major project that is related to an organization, such as a team coordination project or a project created to establish consistency across the organization)
Projekt-DesignerProject Designer (A visual representation of the services ports and bindings that make up a project. Users can edit the visual items in the Project Designer by adding and removing services, and creating and removing bindings between compatible ports on the services in the designer)
verknüpftes Projektlinked project (A project that contains task dependencies to and from tasks in other project files. A link to a task in another project is represented with a placeholder or ghost task)
Windows Azure-ProjektWindows Azure project (In Visual Studio, the solution being developed)
zusammengeführtes Projektconsolidated project (A project containing one or more inserted projects. These can retain links to their source projects and may be linked to one another)
übergeordnetes Projektparent project (A project that has one or more subprojects)