
Terms containing Delegierung | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Delegierung von Amtsgewaltdevolution of authority
law, lab.law.Delegierung von Befugnissendelegation of authority
comp., MSDelegierungs-Assistentdelegation wizard (A wizard used to distribute precise elements of the administrator's workload to others)
comp., MSeingeschränkte Delegierungconstrained delegation (The ability to specify that a service or computer account can perform Kerberos delegation to a limited set of services)
comp., MSeingeschränkte Kerberos-DelegierungKerberos constrained delegation (A form of authentication delegation in which Kerberos can be used to impersonate users that send requests for certain services, as opposed to all services)
law, ADRUnternehmensführung durch Delegierung von Kompetenzen an Mitarbeitermanagement by delegation
comp., MSvollständige Delegierungfull delegation (A delegation in which a layout behavior requests complete control over the visual layout of elements)