
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Brüche | all forms
Bruch mit schrägem Bruchstrichlinear fraction (A fraction that is written on a single line: the numerator is placed on the left, followed by the fraction bar, and the denominator on the right. Example: 3/4)
Bruch mit waagerechtem Bruchstrichstacked fraction (A fraction that is written vertically with the numerator on the top and the denominator below, with a horizontal fraction bar between them)
Bruch ohne Bruchstrichno-bar fraction (A fraction that is written vertically with the numerator on top and denominator below, with no fraction bar between them.)
versetzter Bruch mit schrägem Bruchstrichskewed fraction (A fraction that is written on a downward angle: the diagonal fraction bar is placed down and to the right of the numerator, and the denominator is slightly down and to the right of the fraction bar)