
Terms containing kod | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSABC-kodABC code (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification)
comp., MSABC-kod för intäktABC code for revenue (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their revenue)
comp., MSABC-kod för lagerhållningskostnadABC code for carrying cost classification (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their carrying cost)
comp., MSABC-kod för täckningsbidragABC code for contribution margin (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their contribution margin)
transp., avia.ACN-kodaircraft classification number
ITAiken-kodaiken code
IT, tech.alfabetisk kodalphabetic code
IT, tech.alfanumerisk kodalphanumeric code
commun.AMI-kodAMI code
commun.AMI-kodalternate mark inversion code
pwr.lines.AMI-kodbipolar code
ITanalys av icke-kritisk kodnoncritical code analysis
IT, dat.proc.ASCII-kodAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
pharma.ATC-kodAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical code
ITauthorization kodauthorization code
ITauthorization kodauthorisation code
IT2-av 7-kodbiquinary code
IT, el.avancerad kodadvanced code
IT, dat.proc.1-av-n-kodone-out-of n code
IT1-av-n-kodone-out-of-n code
commun.balanserad kodbalanced code
ITBCD-kodbinary coded decimal
ITBCD-kodbinary-coded decimal representation
ITBCD-kodcoded decimal notation
ITBCD-kodbinary-coded decimal notation
ITBCD-kodbinary-coded decimal code
ITBCD-kodthree-state BCD
ITBCD-kodthree-state binary coded decimal
IT, el.BCD-kodpacked decimal
el.BCH-kodBose Chaudhuri Hocquenghem code
el.BCH-kodBCH code
ITbikvinär kodbiquinary code
ITbikvinär kodbiquinary notation
commun.binär kodbinary code
pwr.lines.binär PCM-kodPCM binary code
el.bipolär kod med hög täthethigh density bipolar code
commun.blandad kodstructured code
commun.blandad kodmixed code
transp., polit., UNBLU-kodCode of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers
transp., polit., UNBLU-kodBLU Code
commun., IT4B/3T-kod4B/3T code
comp., MScentralbankens MFO-kodCentral Bank MFO Code (A 9-digit code used to identify banks for routing transactions in the Russian Federation)
commun.CMAC-kodcontrol mobile attenuation code
el.CMI-kodcode mark inversion
work.fl., ITCOSATI-kodCOSATI subject category list
work.fl., ITCOSATI-kodCommittee on Scientific and Technical Information Code
work.fl., ITCOSATI-kodCOSATI code
comp., MSCVC-kodcard validation code (A code that credit card companies use to authorize credit card charges. For example, American Express uses a four-digit number on the front of the credit card, and Visa, MasterCard, and Discover use a three-digit number on the back)
comp., MSCVV-kodCard Verification Value (A code that credit card companies use to authorize credit card charges. For example, American Express uses a four-digit number on the front of the credit card, and Visa, MasterCard, and Discover use a three-digit number on the back)
el.cyklisk kodcyclic code
commun.diagnostisk koddiagnostic code
commun.diskret koddiscrete code
comp., MSDNS-kodDSN code (A three-digit string of numbers, such as 5.1.2., that indicates the status of an attempt to deliver an e-mail message)
ITEBCDIC-kodExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
IT, dat.proc.en-av-n-kodone-out-of n code
commun., ITenbitars kodone-bit code
ITett-av-n-kodone-out-of-n code
IT, el.excess-tre-kodexcess-3 code
el.feldetektor för 1242-kod1242 code error checker
IT, dat.proc.felkontrollerande koderror-checking code
ITfelkontrollerande koderror checking code
commun., ITfelkorrigerande kodbinary error correcting code
commun.felkorrigerande koderror-correcting telegraph code
commun., ITfelkorrigerande kodself-error-correction code
commun., ITfelkorrigerande koderror-correction code
commun.felkorrigerande koderror correcting code
commun., ITfelkorrigerande koderror-correcting code
commun.felrättande kodforward error-correcting code
IT, tech.felupptäckande kodself-checking code
IT, tech.felupptäckande koderror-detecting code
commun., ITfelupptäckande kodbinary error detecting code
commun.felupptäckande koderror protection code
commun.felupptäckande koderror-detecting telegraph code
telegr.felupptäckande koderror detecting code
IT, tech.felupptäckande koderror-checking code
comp., MSfil med bakomliggande kodcode-behind file (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
comp., MSFOURCC-kodFOURCC code (A 32-bit unsigned integer that is created by concatenating four ASCII characters to identify a data format)
commun.förkortad kodextract code
commun.förkortad kodshort code
commun.förkortad kodderived code
comp., MSförvaltad kodsafe code (Code that is executed by the common language runtime environment rather than directly by the operating system. Managed code applications gain common language runtime services such as automatic garbage collection, runtime type checking and security support, and so on. These services help provide uniform platform- and language-independent behavior of managed-code applications)
comp., MSförvaltad kodmanaged code (Code that is executed by the common language runtime environment rather than directly by the operating system. Managed code applications gain common language runtime services such as automatic garbage collection, runtime type checking and security support, and so on. These services help provide uniform platform- and language-independent behavior of managed-code applications)
med.genetisk kodgenetic code
commun.godtycklig kodarbitrary code
IT, dat.proc.Gray-kodreflected binary code
IT, dat.proc.Gray-kodgray cyclic code
el.Gray kodprogressive binary code
el.Gray kodreflected binary code
el.Gray kodreflex binary code
IT, dat.proc.Gray-kodcyclic binary code
ITGray-kodcyclic code
el.Gray kodGray code
ITHamming-kodHaming Code
IT, el.Hamming-kodHamming code
commun.HDB3-kodHDB3 code
el.HDB3-kodhigh-density bipolar 3 code
IT, dat.proc.Hollerith-kodHollerith code
comp., MSHTML-kodHTML code fragment (HTML code that you add to your Web page to create features such as a script, a counter, or a scrolling marquee)
el.högtäthets bipolär-ternär kodhigh-density bipolar 3 code
el.högtäthets bipolär-ternär kodHDB3 code
comp., MSIFSC-kodIFSC code (A series of 11 alphanumeric characters used by the Indian Financial System to identify banks participating in the NEFT system and to route transactions between banks)
gen.II-kodII code
gen.II-kodinterrogator identifier code
transp., environ., UNIMO:s internationella kod för konstruktion och utrustning av fartyg för transport av flytande gaser i bulkInternational Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk
transp., environ., UNIMO:s internationella kod för konstruktion och utrustning av fartyg för transport av flytande gaser i bulkIGC Code
transp., environ., UNIMO:s internationella kod för konstruktion och utrustning av fartyg som transporterar farliga kemikalier i bulkInternational Code for construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk
transp., environ., UNIMO:s internationella kod för konstruktion och utrustning av fartyg som transporterar farliga kemikalier i bulkIBC Code
transp., environ., el.IMO:s kod för säker transport ombord på fartyg av bestrålat kärnbränsle, plutonium och högaktivt radioaktivt avfall i behållareINF Code
transp., environ., el.IMO:s kod för säker transport ombord på fartyg av bestrålat kärnbränsle, plutonium och högaktivt radioaktivt avfall i behållareCode for the Safe Carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Flasks on board Ships
transp., environ., UNIMO:s kod för säkerheten vid transport av fast gods i bulkCode of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes
transp., environ., UNIMO:s kod för säkerheten vid transport av fast gods i bulkBC Code
el.interlock kodinterlock code
IT, dat.proc.intermediär kodintermediate language
comp., MSintern kodnative code (Code that has been compiled to processor-specific machine code)
ITinternationell kodinternational code
transp., UNinternationell kod för höghastighetsfartygHigh Speed Craft Code
transp., UNinternationell kod för höghastighetsfartygInternational Code for Safety for High Speed Craft
transp., UNinternationell kod för höghastighetsfartygHSC Code
life.sc., tech.internationell meteorologisk kodinternational meteorological code
gen.ISIN-kodInternational Securities Identification Number
law, transp., polit.ISM-kodInternational Safety Management Code
law, transp., polit.ISM-kodISM Code
telegr.isomerisk kodequal length code
commun.isometrisk kodequal length multi-unit codes
commun.kabel kodcable code
comp., MSklass med bakomliggande kodcode-behind class (A class that is accessed by an .aspx file, but resides in a separate file (such as a .dll or .cs file). For example, you can write a code-behind class that creates an ASP.NET custom server control, contains code that is called from an .aspx file, but does not reside within the .aspx file)
IT2-4-2-1-kodaiken code
el.1242-kod1242 code
comp., MSkod för antal enheter i ackordpiece code (A code that indicates how many units of piecework an employee produces)
transp., UNkod för höghastighetstartygHigh Speed Craft Code
transp., UNkod för höghastighetstartygInternational Code for Safety for High Speed Craft
transp., UNkod för höghastighetstartygHSC Code
el.kod för signalbekräftelsesignal confirmation code
transp., polit., UNkod för säker lastning och lossning av bulkfartygCode of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers
transp., polit., UNkod för säker lastning och lossning av bulkfartygBLU Code
commun.kod för telefonistanropassistance code
comp., MSkod för åtkomst vid akutfallemergency access code (An emergency access code is a set of letters and numbers that can be included on your emergency profile wallet card or sheet)
ITkod med fem elementfive-unit code
comp., MSkod med fyra teckenfour character code (A 32-bit unsigned integer that is created by concatenating four ASCII characters to identify a data format)
el.kod med förkortad strukturstructure abbreviated code
commun., ITkod med n-elementn-unit code
commun.kod-oberoende systemcode insensitive system
commun.kod-oberoende systemcode independent system
fin.kod om subventioner och utjämningstullarCode on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties
fin.kod om subventioner och utjämningstullarsubsidies code
fin.kod om subventioner och utjämningstullarAgreement on Interpretation and Application of Articles VI, XVI and XXIII of the GATT
commun.kod-11 operatörcode 11 operator
commun.kod-radiofyrcode beacon
el.kompatibel högdensitets bipolär kodcompatible high density bipolar code
ITkonvertera Gray-kod till binär kodconvert Gray-to-binary
IT, dat.proc.konvertering från ASCII-kod till hexadecimal kodASCII-to-hexadecimal conversion
IT, dat.proc.konvertering från ASCII-kod till teckenASCII-to-character conversion
IT, dat.proc.konvertering från tecken till ASCII-kodcharacter-to-ASCII conversion
ITkryptografisk kodcryptographic transformation
ITkryptografisk kodcryptographic code
commun.ledig kodvacant code group
ITM-av-N-kodM-out-of-N code
comp., MSMBR-kodmaster boot code (A small amount of executable code contained in the master boot record that scans the partition table for the active partition, finds the starting sector of the active partition, loads a copy of the boot sector from the active partition into memory, and transfers control to the executable code in the boot sector)
life.sc.meteorologisk kodmeteorological code
fin., ITMIC-kodMarket Identifier Code
fin., ITMIC-kodMIC
IT, el.mnemonisk kodmnemonic code
comp., MSmobil kodmobile code (Any code placed on a central server that is meant to be downloaded and run by multiple clients. Mobile code can be distributed using Web servers, FTP servers, file shares, and so on. Typically, users run mobile code from the intranet and Internet zones)
mater.sc.MOD-kodmaterial modification code
mater.sc.MOD-kodMOD code
ITmodifierad bikvinär kodmodified biquinary code
commun., el.NC-kodnetwork channel codes
commun., el.NC-kodNC codes
commun.NNX-kodNNX codes
commun.NPA-kodnumbering plan area code
commun.NPA-kodNPA code
work.fl., ITnumerisk kodcode
work.fl., ITnumerisk kodkey
gen.numerisk kodnumeric code
ITobrytbar kodunbreakable code
comp., MSoförvaltad kodunsafe code (Code that is executed directly by the operating system, outside the .NET Framework common language runtime. Unmanaged code must provide its own memory management, type checking, and security support, unlike managed code, which receives these services from the common language runtime)
comp., MSoförvaltad kodunmanaged code (Code that is executed directly by the operating system, outside the .NET Framework common language runtime. Unmanaged code must provide its own memory management, type checking, and security support, unlike managed code, which receives these services from the common language runtime)
IT, dat.proc.ogiltig kodillegal code
ITonåbar koddead code
ITostrukturerad kodspaghetti code
comp., MSp-kodp-code (A machine language for a nonexistent processor (a pseudomachine). Such code is executed by a software interpreter)
el.paired-disparity kodpaired-disparity code
el.paired-disparity kodalternative code
comp., MSPAN-kodPermanent Account Number (A 10-character alphanumeric identifier issued by the Indian Income Tax Department to all taxable entities for taxation and identification purposes)
ITpermuterad cyklisk kodpermuted cyclic code
commun.PIN-kodpersonal identification number
comp., MSPIN-kodPIN (A unique and secret identification code similar to a password that is assigned to an authorized user and used to gain access to personal information or assets via an electronic device)
commun.PIN-kodPIN code
comp., MSPIN-kodpersonal identification number (A unique and secret identification code similar to a password that is assigned to an authorized user and used to gain access to personal information or assets via an electronic device)
IT, el.plus-tre-kodexcess-3 code
ITPN-kodpseudorandom noise code
el.PN-kodpseudo noise code
comp., MSprogram mot skadlig kodantimalware software (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
comp., MSprogram mot skadlig kodantimalware program (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
commun., ITQ-kodQ code
market., IT, mech.eng.qr-kodQuick Response code
market., IT, mech.eng.qr-kodQR code
comp., MSQR-kodQR code (A specific two-dimensional bar code)
IT, el.redundant kodredundant code
IT, el.reentrant-kodreentrant code
el.reflekterande kodprogressive binary code
el.reflekterande kodreflected binary code
el.reflekterande kodreflex binary code
el.reflekterande kodGray code
commun.riktnummer kodnumbering area code
transp., industr.rullande kodrolling code
el.SCC-kodSAT colour code
el.SCC-kodSAT color code
work.fl., ITsemantisk kodsemantic code
gen.SI-kodSI code
gen.SI-kodsurveillance identifier code
fin.Sicovam-kodSicovam code
comp., MSsida för bakomliggande kodcode-behind page (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
el.SINPO-kodSINPO signal reporting code
el.SINPO-kodSINPO code
ITsjälvkorrigerande kodself-correcting code
comp., MSskadlig kodmalware (Software that fulfills the deliberately harmful intent of an attacker when run)
comp., MSskanner för skadlig kodmalware scanner (Software used to scan for and eradicate malicious software)
commun.skurfelsrättande kodburst error-correcting code
market.SNI-kodSIC code
market.SNI-kodStandard Industrial Classification code
comp., MSSNI-kodStandard Industrial Classification code (A four-digit number assigned by the U.S. government to designate the economic activity of businesses)
comp., MSSNI-kodSIC code (A four-digit number assigned by the U.S. government to designate the economic activity of businesses)
transp., avia.SSR-kodSSR code
comp., MSSWIFT-kodSWIFT code (An international identification code used to identify financial institutions for international money transfers)
pwr.lines.symmetrisk binär kodsymmetrical binary code
commun.telefon-BCD-kodtelephone binary coded decimal number
comp., MStidig start av programdrivrutin mot skadlig kodEarly Launch Antimalware driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
stat., ITtopografiskt integrerad geografisk kod och referenssystemtopologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing system
stat., ITtopografiskt integrerad geografisk kod och referenssystemTIGER system
ITtre-av-fem-kodthree-out-of-five code
el.två av sex multifrekvens kodtwo out of six multifrequency code
el.två av sex multifrekvens kod2 out of 6 multifrequency code
telegr.van Duuren-kodVan Duuren code
ITvillkorlig kodconditional code
commun., ITåteranvändbar kodre-entrant code
el.återkommande kodrecurrent code
commun., ITöverflyttning till telefonist då icke tilldelad kod tagitsvacant code intercept
IT, el.överflödig kodredundant code