
Terms for subject Environment containing informationssystem | all forms | exact matches only
bibliografiskt informationssystembibliographic information system
bibliografiskt informationssystembibliographic information system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources organized for the exchange of data pertaining to the history, physical description, comparison, and classification of books and other works
gemenskapens informationssystemCommunity Information System
geografiskt informationssystemgeographic information system An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information that can be drawn from different sources, both statistical and mapped
informationssystem för gemenskapen avseende kontroll och minskning av förorening orsakad av utsläpp av kolväten och andra skadliga ämnen i havet och i större inre vattenvägarCommunity information system for the control and reduction of pollution caused by the spillage of hydrocarbons and other harmful substances at sea or in major inland waters