
Terms for subject Environment containing atļauja | all forms
atkritumu ievešanas atļaujawaste importation permit An authorization, license or equivalent control document issued by a government agency that approves bringing in refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process from foreign countries
būvniecības atļaujabuilding permit Authorization required by local governmental bodies for the erection of an enclosed structure or for the major alteration or expansion of an existing edifice
ievešanas atļaujaimport licence Permission from a government to bring within its borders and sell a product manufactured in a foreign country
plānošanas atļaujaplanning permission An authorization, license or equivalent control document issued by a government agency that approves a step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of action to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives
siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisijas atļaujagreenhouse gas emissions permit
tirgojama atļaujatradeable permit Tradable emissions permits are used in an environmental regulatory scheme where the sources of the pollutant to be regulated (most often an air pollutant) are given permits to release a specified number of tons of the pollutant. The government issues only a limited number of permits consistent with the desired level of emissions. The owners of the permits may keep them and release the pollutants, or reduce their emissions and sell the permits. The fact that the permits have value as an item to be sold gives the owner an incentive to reduce their emissions
tirgojama emisijas atļaujatradable emissions permit
tirgojama emisijas atļaujaemissions permit
tirgojama emisijas atļaujatradable permit
tirgojama emisijas atļaujaemissions allowance
tirgojama emisijas atļaujagreenhouse gas emissions allowance
uzstādīšana, kam ir nepieciešama atļaujainstallation requiring approval The official authorization needed to assemble and place into position any apparatus, facility, military post or machinery
zvejošanas atļaujafishing licence Official permission granted to individuals or commercial enterprises allowing and regulating by time, location, species, size or amount the fish that can be caught from rivers, lakes or ocean waters within a particular jurisdiction
īpaša atļaujaspecial authorisation An exceptional granting of power or permission or a legislative act authorizing money to be spent on government programs