
Terms for subject Environment containing Vidusjūras | all forms | exact matches only
Eiropas un Vidusjūras reģiona valstu harta par sadarbību Vidusjūras baseina vides jautājumosNicosia Charter
Eiropas un Vidusjūras reģiona valstu harta par sadarbību Vidusjūras baseina vides jautājumosCharter on Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation concerning the Environment in the Mediterranean Basin
Vidusjūras klimatsMediterranean climate A type of climate characterized by hot, dry, sunny summers and a winter rainy season; basically, this is the opposite of a monsoon climate. Also known as etesian climate
Vidusjūras koksneMediterranean wood A plant formation found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly lowgrowing, xerophilous evergreen trees and shrubs. It results mainly from the deterioration of the original vegetation by grazing and burning
Vidusjūras mežsMediterranean forest Type of forest found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly xerophilous evergreen trees
Vidusjūras zonaMediterranean Area The collective islands and countries of the inland sea between Europe, Africa and Asia that is linked to the Atlantic Ocean at its western end by the Strait of Gibraltar and includes the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian seas