
Terms for subject Environment containing su | all forms | exact matches only
accordo internazionale sui cambiamenti climatici per il periodo post-2012post-Kyoto agreement on climate change
accordo post-2012 sui cambiamenti climaticipost-Kyoto agreement on climate change
alghe coltivate su effluentesewage-grown algae
apparecchiatura per filtrazione su membranamembrane filtration device
apparecchiatura per filtrazione su membranamembrane filtration apparatus
atterraggio su un pattinoone skid landing
Banca di dati sui livelli di radioattività in condizioni normaliRadioactivity Environmental Monitoring data bank
basato su indicatoriindicator-based
Centro tematico europeo sui rifiutiEuropean Topic Centre on Waste
coltivazione su substratosubstrate cultivation
coltura su terreno debbiatoslash and burn culture A traditional farming system that has been used by generations of farmers in tropical forests and the savannah of north and east Africa. It is known to be an ecologically sound form of cultivation, and because the soil is poor in tropical rain forests it is a sustainable method of farming. It is still practised today, primarily in the developing countries. Small areas of bush or forests are cleared and the smaller trees burned. This unlocks the nutrients in the vegetation and gives the soil fertilizer that is easily taken up by plants. A few years later the soil is degraded and the farmer moves on to do the same at another site. The original ground is left fallow for anything up to 20 years so that the forest can regenerate. With the growth in population and in the subsequent need for more farming land to produce food, the method is increasingly being used today to clear large areas of tropical forests for cattle ranching, and in most cases the ground is not left fallow for long enough and, with modern mechanized farming systems, not enough tree stumps or suitable habitats for plant life are left to start the regeneration process
coltura su terreno debbiatoslash and burn culture
Comitato intergovernativo di negoziazione di una convenzione quadro sui cambiamenti climaticiIntergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change
Comitato per l'adeguamento al progresso tecnico e per l'attuazione della direttiva sul controllo delle emissioni di composti organici volatili COV derivanti dal deposito della benzina e dalla sua distribuzione dai terminali alle stazioni di servizioCommittee for adaptation to technical progress and implementation of the Directive on the control of volatile organic compound VOC emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stations
Comitato Scientifico sui Problemi AmbientaliScientific Committee on Problems of the Environment
Comitato scientifico sui problemi dell'ambienteScientific Committee on Problems of the Environment
Commissione mondiale su ambiente e sviluppoWorld Commission on Environment and Development
Commissione mondiale su ambiente e sviluppoBrundtland Commission
17ª Conferenza delle parti della convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
17ª Conferenza delle parti della convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climaticiDurban Climate Change Conference
Conferenza delle Parti della Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climaticiConference of the Parties to the UNFCCC
Conferenza delle Parti della Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climaticiConference of the Parties
17ª Conferenza delle parti della convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climaticiUnited Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7
Conferenza delle Parti della Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climaticiConference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
conferenza di Durban sui cambiamenti climaticiDurban Climate Change Conference
conferenza di Durban sui cambiamenti climaticiUnited Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7
conferenza di Durban sui cambiamenti climatici17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Conferenza internazionale sui sistemi di preallarme per la riduzione dei disastri naturaliInternational Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters
Conferenza per il negoziato di un accordo destinato a succedere all'accordo internazionale sui legni tropicaliUnited Nations Conference for the Negotiation of a Successor Agreement to the International Tropical Timber Agreement
Conferenza su Ecosistemi e sviluppo sostenibileconference on Ecosystems and sustainable development
convenzione internazionale sui danni derivanti da attività pericolose per l'ambienteInternational convention on Damages resulting from Activities dangerous to the Environment
Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climaticiConvention on Climate Change
Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climaticiUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
deposito temporaneo su un sito centraleinterim storage at a central site
depressione su substrato torbosodepression on peat substrates
dialogo ministeriale di Groenlandia sui cambiamenti climaticiGreenland Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Change
dialogo ministeriale di Groenlandia sui cambiamenti climaticiGreenland Dialogue
Dichiarazione sui principi forestaliRio Declaration on Forest Principles
Dichiarazione sui principi forestaliRio Forest Principles
Dichiarazione sui principi forestaliDeclaration of Forest Principles
Dichiarazione sui principi forestaliNon-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forests
direttiva CE sui biocidiEC directive on biocides
direttiva CE sui biocidiEC directive on biocides Directive regulating the placing of biocidal products on the market
dispositivo per la raccolta continua del pulviscolo atmosferico su filtro fissodevice equipped with a fixed filter for the continuous sampling of airborne atmospheric dust
disposizioni comunitarie sui prodotti chimici esistentiEC regulation on existing chemicals Regulation designed to identify and control of risks deriving from existing chemicals. According to this program the main goal is the collection of basic information about existing chemicals including their uses and characteristics, environmental fate and pathways, toxicity and ecotoxicity
disposizioni comunitarie sui prodotti chimici esistentiEC regulation on existing chemicals
disposizioni sui limiti massimi ammissibiliregulation on maximum permissible limits A body of rules or orders prescribed by a government or an international organization or treaty establishing levels of hazardous materials in the environment or in ingestible substances beyond which human exposure is deemed health-threatening
disposizioni sui limiti massimi ammissibiliregulation on maximum permissible limits
disposizioni sui prodotti pericolosidangerous goods regulation Rules on the handling of articles or substances capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety, or property, and that ordinarily require special attention when being transported
disposizioni sui prodotti pericolosidangerous goods regulation
Effetti delle emissioni di rifiuti sui suoliImpact of Waste Emissions on Soils
Forum internazionale sui biocarburantiInternational Biofuels Forum
gruppo consultivo sui gas a effetto serraAdvisory Group on Greenhouse Gases
gruppo di lavoro europeo sui flussi prioritari di rifiutiEuropean Working Party on Priority Waste Streams
Gruppo intergovernativo di esperti sui cambiamenti del climaIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
i raggi X erano semiomogenei su una larga banda orizzontalethe X-rays were semihomogeneous in a broad horizontal band
informazione sui prodottiproduct information Factual, circumstantial and, often, comparative knowledge concerning various goods, services or events, their quality and the entities producing them
informazione sui prodottiproduct information
intervento su natura e paesaggiointervention in nature and landscape Stepping in or participating in problem solving efforts for troublesome or perplexing situations involving the natural world or scenery
intervento su natura e paesaggiointervention in nature and landscape
Laboratorio europeo di riferimento per le prove su veicoli e motori delle tecnologie di riduzione delle emissioniEuropean Reference Vehicle and Engine Testing Laboratory on Emission Reduction Technologies
legge sui foraggiforage law
legge sui prodotti chimicichemicals act
legge sul riciclaggio e sui rifiutirecycling management and waste law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to establish and regulate provisions for the minimization of waste generation through recovery and reprocessing of re-usable products
legge sul riciclaggio e sui rifiutirecycling management and waste law
legge-tipo sui fuochi artificialimodel fireworks law
legislazione sui crimini ambientalienvironmental criminal law The aggregate of statutory enactments pertaining to actions or instances of ecological negligence deemed injurious to public welfare or government interests and legally prohibited
legislazione sui crimini ambientalienvironmental criminal law
legislazione sui prodotti chimici ambientalienvironmental chemicals legislation
legislazione sui rifiutiwaste legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the disposal of unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process or the refuse from places of human or animal habitation
legislazione sui rifiutiwaste legislation
Libro verde su commercio internazionale e ambienteGreen Paper on international trade and environment
l'immagine viene raccolta su uno schermo fluorescentethe image is reproduced on a fluorescent screen
misura sui gasgas measurement
norma sui prodottiproduct standard A standard which prescribes aspects of the physical or chemical composition of products which have potential for causing environmental damage or the handling, presentation and packaging of products, particularly those which are toxic
norma sui prodottiproduct standard
normativa sui residuilegislation on residues
onde su bassi fondaliground swell
orticoltura su larga scalamarket gardening
orticoltura su larga scalamarket gardening The business of growing fruit and vegetables on a commercial scale
Piano d'azione sui paesaggiAction Plan on Landscapes
política integrata sui prodottiintegrated product policy
popolazione nel suo insiemewhole population
prato pioniero su cime rocciosepioneer vegetation of rock surfaces
processo termico ottimale di agglomerazione su grigliaoptimum heat control during grate sintering
Programma a medio termine su scala del sistema in materia di ambienteSystem-wide Medium-term Environmental Programme
Protocollo di Kyoto alla convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climaticiKyoto Protocol
Protocollo di Kyoto alla convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climaticiKyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
quartiere costruito su una discarica di prodotti tossiciresidential area built on a toxic dump
reattore filtrante su letto mobilemoving-bed biofilm reactor
rete di dati del sistema internazionale di riferimento sui dati relativi al ciclo di vita ILCDILCD Data Network
rete di dati del sistema internazionale di riferimento sui dati relativi al ciclo di vita ILCDInternational Reference Life Cycle Data System ILCD Data Network
rete di dati del sistema internazionale di riferimento sui dati relativi al ciclo di vita ILCDILCD DN
rete europea di dati sui colori del mareOcean Colour European Archive Network
rete su area geograficawide area network A system of interrelated computer and telecommunications devices linking two or more computers separated by a great distance for the exchange of electronic data
ricerca sui problemi ambientalisoft research
ricerca sui rumorinoise research
servizio di ricerca su CD-ROMCD-ROM search service The provision of special aid by library staff trained to query bibliographic or other information contained on an electronic storage medium, usually to meet the research needs of the library's clients
servizio di ricerca su internetinternet search service The provision of special aid by library staff trained to query bibliographic or other information contained on the Internet, a large distributed electronic system, usually to meet the research needs of the library's clients
sistema di etichettatura ecologica su scala comunitariaCommunity-wide eco-labelling system
sistema internazionale di riferimento sui dati relativi al ciclo di vitaInternational Reference Life Cycle Data System
Sistema per lo scambio di informazioni sui disastri naturali e ambientaliNatural and Environmental Disaster Information Exchange System
steppa pannonica su loesspannonic loess steppic grasslands
tassa sui rifiutiwaste charge Imposed fee, expense, or cost for the management of refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process
tassa sui rifiutiwaste charge
terreno su rocce primitivebasement soil
traffico su acquatraffic on water
traffico su acquatraffic on water The movement of boats and other vessels over any water route or area
traffico su stradaroad traffic
traffico su stradaroad traffic Circulation of motor vehicles and people on the road network
trasporto su lunga distanzalong-distance transport The conveyance of materials or commodities over land, water or through air in which a great distance is covered
trasporto su lunga distanzalong-distance transport
trasporto su stradaroad transport Transportation of goods and persons by vehicles travelling on a road network
trasporto su vie di navigazione internainland waterways transport
trasporto su vie di navigazione internainland waterways transport Transportation of persons and goods by boats travelling on rivers, channels or lakes
ubicazione su macroscalamacroscale siting
ubicazione su microscalamicroscale siting
Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura e delle sue risorseWorld Conservation Union
Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura e delle sue risorseInternational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura e delle sue risorseInternational Union for the Protection of Nature
Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura e delle sue risorseInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
veicolo su rotaiarailroad vehicle