
Terms containing acqua sotterranea | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
environ.acqua destinata alla rialimentazione delle falde sotterraneewater intended to replenish water-bearing beds
life.sc.acqua sotterraneasubsurface water
life.sc.acqua sotterraneaunderground water
earth.sc., environ., min.prod.acqua sotterraneasub-surface water
environ.acqua sotterraneagroundwater Water that occupies pores and crevices in rock and soil, below the surface and above a layer of impermeable material. It is free to move gravitationally, either downwards towards the impermeable layer or by following a gradient
earth.sc., environ., min.prod.acqua sotterraneagroundwater
life.sc.acqua sotterraneasubterranean water
med.acqua sotterraneaground water
agric.acqua sotterranea riceventereceiving groundwater
environ.acqua sotterranea stagnantestanding groundwater
environ., agric.acque sotterraneeground water layer
environ.acque sotterraneeground water
life.sc.acque sotterraneesubsurface waters
econ.acque sotterraneegroundwater
life.sc.acque sotterraneebody of subsurface water
earth.sc., environ., tech.captazione delle acque sotterraneegroundwater abstraction
earth.sc., environ., tech.captazione delle acque sotterraneecatchment of underground water
agric., construct.captazione di acque sotterraneeground water training
agric., construct.captazione di acque sotterraneecatching the ground water
environ., UNCarta della CEE per la gestione delle acque sotterraneeECE Charter on groundwater management
environ.effetto biologico dei biocidi nelle acque superficiali e sotterraneebiological effect of biocides in surface and ground waters
environ.equilibrio delle acque sotterraneegroundwater balance
environ.estrazione di acqua sotterraneagroundwater extraction The process, deliberate or inadvertent, of extracting ground water from a source at a rate so in excess of the replenishment that the ground water level declines persistently, threatening exhaustion of the supply or at least a decline of pumping levels to uneconomic depths
environ.estrazione di acqua sotterraneagroundwater extraction
lab.law., environ.estrazione di acque sotterraneegroundwater abstraction
tech.indicatore di pressioni nell'acqua sotterranealiquid-pressure pickup
agric.intercettazione di acque sotterraneeground water training
earth.sc.moto turbulento dell'acqua sotterraneaground-water turbulent flow
environ.politica comunitaria per le acque sotterraneeCommunity groundwater policy
mech.eng.pompa per acque sotterraneegroundwater drainage pump
met.presa d'acqua sotterraneaprocuring water from a subterranean source
environ.protezione delle acque sotterraneegroundwater protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the environmental integrity of fresh water found beneath the earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs
environ.qualità delle acque sotterraneegroundwater quality Groundwater accounts for over 95% of the earth's useable fresh-water resources; over half the world's population depends on groundwater for drinking-water supplies. This invisible resource is vulnerable to pollution and over-exploitation. Effective conservation of groundwater supplies requires the integration of land-use and water management
agric., construct.reperimento di acque sotterraneeground water finding
min.prod.riserve di acque sotterraneegroundwater reserves
agric., construct.scoperta di acque sotterraneeground water finding
life.sc., construct.sfruttamento di riserve di acque sotterraneeground-water mining
life.sc.stato delle acque sotterraneegroundwater status
environ.strato delle acque sotterraneegroundwater layer
earth.sc.uscita d'acqua sotterraneanatural groundwater discharge
earth.sc.uscita d'acqua sotterraneagroundwater emergence
life.sc., agric.utilizzazione razionale di acque sotterraneeground-water conservation