
Terms containing total | all forms | exact matches only
chem., el.antændelsessystem med total sikkerhedtype C pilot
chem., el.antændelsessystem med total sikkerhedcomplete shut-off pilot
coal.dagsproduktion, total produktion, nettoproduktiondaily production
coal.dagsproduktion, total produktion, nettoproduktionsaleable output
coal.dagsproduktion, total produktion, nettoproduktionsaleable production
coal.dagsproduktion, total produktion, nettoproduktiontotal production
coal.dagsproduktion, total produktion, nettoproduktiondaily output,total output
construct.en total deformation af afsætningsnettetcomplete misrepresentation in the setting out grid
mun.plan., earth.sc.fri-til-total varmefaktorsensible heat ratio
fin.futures-marked med total omkostningsdækning i prisangivelsenfull carrying charge market
gen.gassystem for total fyldningtotal-flooding gas system
stat., tech.gennemsnitlig total inspektionsmængdeaverage total inspection ATI
fin.grundlæggende total-afkast-swapbasic TRORS
fin.grundlæggende total-afkast-swapbasic total return swap
earth.sc.hastighedsgrænse ved total adhæsionspeed limit providing total adhesion
fin.ikke-grundlæggende total-afkast-swapnon-basic TRORS
fin.ikke-grundlæggende total-afkast-swapnon-basic total return swap
nat.sc.inhalationsapparat til brug ved total kropseksponeringinhalation apparatus for whole-body exposure
tech., el.klirfaktormåler til måling af total harmonisk forvrængningtotal harmonic distortion factor meter
life.sc.månedlige gennemsnit af total-betaaktivitet i det radioaktive nedfald/falloutmonthly averages of total beta activity in radioactive fallout
gen.overgang fra "optionel" til "total" harmoniseringtransition from optional to total harmonization
transp., tech.potentiel total tonkilometervirtual ton-kilometre worked
chem.skallernes total beta- og gammaaktivitettotal beta-gamma activity of the hulls
med.total ablatiototal eradication
med.total adhæsionhapantismus
med.total afasitotal aphasia
el.total afbrydelsefull-forced outage
commun.total afbrydelsestid for kredsløbetoverall circuit interruption time
environ., agric.total afbrændingclear burn
environ., agric.total afbrændingclean burn
commun.total afsøgningoverall polling
commun.total aftastningoverall polling
life.sc., environ.total afvigelse for ozontotal ozone deviation
med.total albinismetotal albinism (albinismus totalis, albinismus universalis)
health., phys.sc., nucl.phys.total alfaaktivitettotal alpha activity
tech., industr., construct.total armlængdetotal arm length
med.total astigmatismetotal astigmatism
med.total atelektasetotal atelectasis
el.total banekapacitettotal orbital capacity
chem.total base numberbase number
commun.total belægningstidtotal holding time
med.total bestrålingtotal exposure
nat.sc.total bestrålingsstyrke UVAtotal irradiance UVA
life.sc.total-betaaktiviteten i falloutthe total beta activity component of fallout
el.total betjeningskrafttotal over-travel force
agric., chem.total blød harpikstotal soft resin
agric., chem.total blød harpikssoft resin
agric., chem.total blød harpixtotal soft resin
agric., chem.total blød harpixsoft resin
mech.eng.total borlængdetotal length
mech.eng.total borlængdeoverall length
el.total bredbåndsstøjtotal continuous spectrum noise
el.total bredbåndsstøjhiss
transp.total bremseberegnigrule-of-thumb braked weight assessment
transp., tech.total bruttotonkilometergross ton-kilometre worked
transp., el.total bruttotrafiktotal gross traffic
transp., el.total bruttovægttotal weight
transp., el.total bruttovægttotal load
transp., el.total bruttovægttotal gross load
ITtotal båndbreddetotal bandwidth
el.total bærebølgeeffekttotal carrier power
med.total cellulær DNAcellular DNA
chem.total cyanidindholdtotal cyanide
el.total datakapacitetaggregate data transmission capacity
mech.eng.total delingsfejltotal pitch error
textiletotal deniertotal denier
stat.total determinationskoefficientcoefficient of total determination
ITtotal digital overføringshastighedtotal digital transfer rate
mech.eng.total dynamisk løftehøjdetotal dynamic head
mech.eng.total dynamisk løftehøjdeHtdyn
med.total døvhedanacusis (surditas)
med.total døvhedtotal deafness
el.total effektiv antenneforstærkningtotal effective antenna gain
el.total effektiv antenneforstærkningtotal effective aerial gain
el.total effektiv aperturtotal effective aperture
transp.total effektivitetoverall efficiency
earth.sc., mech.eng.total ekvivalent bremseeffekttotal equivalent brake horsepower
earth.sc., mech.eng.total elektrisk effekttotal electrical power
environ.total- eller bulkdepositiontotal or bulk deposition
gen.total eller pletvis blåfarvning af hudenmottling
gen.total eller pletvis blåfarvning af hudenlivedo
agric.total energimængde i fodergross energy
law, insur.total erhvervsudygtighedtotal incapacity for work
stat., scient.total-estimatover-all estimate
med.total farveblindhedtotal colour blindness
med.total farveblindhedachromatopsia
med.total fastecomplete fasting
med.total fertilitetskvotienttotal birth rate
mech.eng., el.total flow-cyklustotal flow cycle
el.total flux-metodetotal-flow concept
transp.total flyvekontroltotal control of flight
transp., avia.total flyvetidtotal flight time
transp., avia.total flyvetidflying time
stat.total fordelingfull distribution
health.total fordøjelige næringsstoffertotal digestible nutrients
el.total forvrængningoverall distortion
environ.total fosforbelastningintegral phosphorous loading
earth.sc.total fri middelvejlængdetotal mean free path
life.sc., construct.total frihøjdetotal freeboard
chem., el.total gasmængdegas-in-place
nat.sc., agric.total genetisk informationgene pool
el.total gennemsnitlig SSB-effekttotal average SSB power
el.total gennemsnitlig udstrålet effekttotal average radiated power
el.total geotermisk varmemængdegeothermal resource base
commun., el.total harmonisk klirforvrængningtotal harmonic distortion
agric., chem.total-harpikstotal resin
agric., chem.total-harpixtotal resin
med.total hovedhøjdetotal height of head
el.total-hydrogensystemall-hydrogen system
med.total hypermetropitotal hypermetropia
med.total hypospadiperineal hypospadia (hypospadia perinealis)
med.total hysterektomi ad modum ClarkClark operation
tech., industr., construct.total højdeoverall height
el.total ikke-rådighedsfaktortotal non-availability factor
med.total impotenstotal impotence
health.total indkapslingtotal enclosure
health.total indkapslingcomplete enclosure
transp., avia.total in-flight simulatortotal in-flight simulator
el.total interferenstotal interference
el.total internrefleksiontotal internal reflection
ITtotal invaliditettotal permanent invalidity
environ., chem.total ionstrømtotal ionic current
nat.sc.total irradians UVAtotal irradiance UVA
tech., el.total kalibreringoverall calibration
tech., industr., construct.total kast af rørtotal barrel run-out
med.total katarakttotal cataract (cataracta totalis)
med.total keratoplastiktotal keratoplasty
med.total kernestærtotal nuclear cataract (cataracta nuclearis totalis)
el.total kernevåbenkrigall-out nuclear war
commun.total kommunikationsintegritetoverall communication integrity
el.total konduktivitettotal conductivity
mech.eng.total kontaktbuetotal arc of contact
mech.eng.total kontaktvinkeltotal angle of contact
ITtotal korrekthedtotal correctness
stat.total korrelationtotal correlation
corp.gov.total kvalitetsstyringtotal quality management
chem.total kvælstoftotal nitrogen
environ.total kvælstofoxidtotal oxidized nitrogen
el.total kædeydelsetotal link performance
mun.plan., earth.sc.total køleeffekttotal cooling effect
econ., market.total levetidsomkostninglife cycle cost
earth.sc., el.total luftmængde/gas forholdtotal air/gas ratio
med.total lungekapacitettotal lung capacity
el.total lækeffekttotal leakage power
tech., industr., construct.total længde på tandstangoverall length of a serrated bar
life.sc., construct.total løftehøjdetotal pumping head
IT, dat.proc.total makrototal macro
food.ind., chem.total migrationoverall migration
el.total multipleks-datasignaleringshastighedmultiplex aggregate bit rate
med.total mængde af fordøjelige næringsstoffertotal digestible nutriments
food.ind., fish.farm., chem.total mængde flygtige nitrogenbasertotal volatile basic nitrogen
food.ind., fish.farm., chem.total mængde flygtige nitrogenbasertotal volatile nitrogen
food.ind., fish.farm., chem.total mængde flygtige nitrogenbasertotal volatile bases
food.ind., fish.farm., chem.total mængde flygtige nitrogenbasertotal volatile base nitrogen
food.ind., fish.farm., chem.total mængde flygtige nitrogenbasertotal volatile base N
environ.total mængde uorganisk carbontotal inorganic carbon
environ.total mængde uorganisk kulstoftotal inorganic carbon
chem.total nitrogentotal nitrogen
transp.total normalt tryktotal normal pressure
comp., MStotal nulstillinghard reset (A type of reset on a mobile device that clears all installed software and restores the device to its original factory configuration)
tech.total ombyttelighedstrict interchangeability
transp.total omkørselcomplete diversion
commun., transp.total omkørselcomplete diversion
commer., fin.total område-likviditetdomestic chain overall budget
el.total omsætningstidtotal conversion time
el.total omsætningstidconversion time
earth.sc., transp.total opdriftgross lift
med.total ophthalmoplegitotal ophthalmoplegia (ophthalmoplegia totalis)
chem.total organisk tørstoftotal organic solids in suspension
insur.total overenskomstbasishundred per cent treaty basis
hobby, transp.total overfladearealtotal surface area
el.total overføringstidoverall transfer time
transp., tech.total overgangstidtotal transition time
environ.total ozonmængdetotal ozone
environ.total ozonmængdetotal amount of ozone
environ.total ozonmængdetotal ozone amount
environ.total ozonmængdetotal amount
med.total paralyseholoplexia
environ.total partikelkoncentration i lufttotal suspended particulates in air
environ.total partikelkoncentration i lufttotal suspended particles
coal., met.total porøsitettotal porosity
med.total prostatektomiprostatic extirpation
med.total protesefull set of dentures
insur.total reassuranceklausulfull reinsurance clause
el.total refleksiontotal internal reflection
earth.sc.total refleksiontotal reflection
el.total reflektorstrømtotal reflector current
environ.total retention af blypartikler i bronchiernetotal retention of lead particles in the bronchial tree
bank."total return swap"total return swap
bank."total return swap"TR swap
bank."total return swap"total rate of return swap
fin."total return swap-kreditderivat"total return swap credit derivative
fin.total risikoprofiloverall risk profile
commun.total simulationsmodeloverall simulation model
commun.total skanderingslinje-længdetotal scanning line length
IT, dat.proc.total sletningtotal erasure
IT, dat.proc.total sletningtotal deletion
life.sc.total snetykkelsetotal thickness of snow
life.sc.total solformørkelsetotal solar eclipse
earth.sc., mech.eng.total specifik impulsoverall specific impulse
transp.total spændviddetotal span
el.total SSB-effekttotal SSB power
transp., mech.eng.total standard trækkraftgross standard thrust
earth.sc., mech.eng.total statisk trykhøjdetotal static head
fin.total stemmerettotal voting power
med.total stråledosistotal surface dose
med.total stråledosistotal dose
tech.total strålingspyrometer pyranometertotal radiation pyrometer
transp.total strækningslængdeline kilometres
tech., industr., construct.total strækzonetotal drafting field
earth.sc.total strømtotal current
phys.sc., el.total strømtæthedtotal current density
earth.sc., environ.total støjbelastningtotal noise load
environ.total støvtotal dust
life.sc., construct.total sugehøjdetotal suction head
life.sc., construct.total sugehøjdeHts
environ.total suspenderet stoftotal suspended solids
agric.total svovldioxidtotal sulphurous acid
agric.total svovldioxidtotal sulphur dioxide
environ.total syre-indeks i omgivelseslufttotal acidity of ambient air
met.total sømtykkelsethroat thickness
el.total tabstæthedtotal loss volume density
el.total tabstæthedtotal loss mass density
fin.total tilbageførsel i debetamount of reversal debits
fin.total tilbageførsel i kreditamount of reversal credits
commun., el.total tilført anodeeffekttotal anode power input
el.total tilgangslighedoverall availability
transp.total togvægttotal weight of a train
transp.total togvægtgross load of a train
commun.total trafikkapacitettotal traffic capacity
el.total transmissionstidoverall transmission delay
el.total troværdighedoverall fidelity
transp., avia., tech.total trykfølerabsolute pressure sensor
earth.sc., mech.eng.total trykhøjdetotal head
earth.sc., mech.eng.total trykhøjdedynamic head
agric.total tørstoftotal dry extract
med.total udbredelse af illegale stofferpopulation using illegal drugs
el.total udnyttelsesfaktortotal utilization factor
el.total udnyttelsesfaktortotal utilisation factor
ITtotal udskiftning af net og gatewaystotal overlay networks and gateways
earth.sc.total udtyndingsspændingtotal depletion voltage
agric., construct.total ukrudtsbekæmpelseweed eradication
med.total urininkontinenstotal incontinence
life.sc., el.total vandledende egenskabtransmissivity
el.total vandringtotal travel
earth.sc.total varmetransmissionskoefficientoverall coefficient of heat transfer
earth.sc., mech.eng.total virkningsgradoverall efficiency
earth.sc., mech.eng.total virkningsgradadiabatic efficiency
earth.sc., mech.eng.total virkningsgradindicated efficiency
earth.sc., mech.eng.total virkningsgradeffective efficiency
chem.total virkningsgradover-all column efficiency
med.total vægtgross weight
el.total Wheatstonebrofull bridge
gen.total ækvivalent borindholdtotal equivalent boron content
gov., sociol.vedvarende total invaliditettotal permanent invalidity
social.sc., health.vedvarende, total invaliditettotal permanent invalidity