
Terms for subject General containing statssekretær | all forms | exact matches only
chef for forbundsregeringens presse- og informationskontor, statssekretærHead of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, State Secretary
statssekretær, ArbejdsministerietParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Employment
statssekretær, FinansministerietGovernment Chief Whip
statssekretær, FinansministerietParliamentary Secretary to the Treasury
statssekretær, FinansministerietChief Secretary to the Treasury
statssekretær for arbejds- og socialanliggenderState Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment
statssekretær for arbejdsanliggenderState Secretary for Labour
statssekretær for arbejdsspørgsmål og social sikringState Secretary for Employment and Social Security
statssekretær for beskæftigelse og erhvervsuddannelseState Secretary for Employment and Vocational Training
statssekretær for boliganliggender, fysisk planlægning og miljøState Secretary for Housing, Planning and the Environment
statssekretær for boligspørgsmålState Secretary for Housing
statssekretær for budgetspørgsmålState Secretary for the Budget
statssekretær for de autonome administrationerState Secretary for Territorial Administration
statssekretær for de portugisiske samfundState Secretary for the Portuguese Communities
statssekretær for de videregående uddannelserState Secretary for Higher Education
statssekretær for den administrative reformState Secretary for Administrative Modernization
statssekretær for den nationale kulturarvParliamentary Under-Secretary of State for National Heritage
statssekretær for energiState Secretary for Energy
statssekretær for Europa-spørgsmålState Secretary for European Affairs
statssekretær for finansanliggenderState Secretary for Finance
statssekretær for finansielle anliggenderState Secretary for Finance
statssekretær for finansielle anliggender, FinansministerietFinancial Secretary to the Treasury
statssekretær for finansielle spørgsmålState Secretary for Finance
statssekretær for fiskeriState Secretary for Fisheries
statssekretær for folkesundhed, velfærd og sportState Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport
statssekretær for forbindelserne med De Europæiske FællesskaberState Secretary for the European Communities
statssekretær for forbindelserne med ParlamentetState Secretary for Relations with Parliament
statssekretær for forsorgState Secretary for Social Welfare
statssekretær for forsvarsadministrationState Secretary for Administration of the Armed Forces
statssekretær for forsvarsanliggenderState Secretary for Defence
statssekretær for forsvarsanliggender samt for De Nederlandske Antiller og ArubaState Secretary for Defence and for the Netherlands Antillean and Aruban Affairs
statssekretær for forsvarsspørgsmålState Secretary for Defence
statssekretær for handelState Secretary for Trade
statssekretær for indenrigsanliggenderState Secretary for Home Affairs
statssekretær for indenrigsanliggenderState Secretary for the Interior
statssekretær for indenrigsspørgsmålState Secretary for the Interior
statssekretær for industriState Secretary for Industry
statssekretær for integration og miljø under sundhedsministerenState Secretary for Social Integration and the Environment, attached to the Minister for Public Health
statssekretær for internationalt samarbejde og for LatinamerikaState Secretary for International Cooperation and Latin America
statssekretær for justitsanliggenderState Secretary for Justice
statssekretær for justitsspørgsmålState Secretary for Justice
statssekretær for kulturState Secretary for Culture
statssekretær for kultur- og miljøværdierState Secretary for Cultural and Environmental Assets
statssekretær for landbrugState Secretary for Agriculture
statssekretær for landbrug, ernæring og skovbrugState Secretary for Agriculture, Food and Forest Resources
statssekretær for landbrug og levnedsmiddelkvalitetState Secretary for Agricultural Markets and Food Quality
statssekretær for lokale myndigheder og fysisk planlægningState Secretary for Local Administration and Town and Country Planning
statssekretær for miljøState Secretary for the Environment
statssekretær for miljø, fysisk planlægning og offentlige arbejderState Secretary for the Environment, Regional Planning and Public Works
statssekretær for miljø- og boliganliggenderState Secretary for Environment and Housing
statssekretær for miljø- og forbrugerspørgsmålState Secretary for the Environment and Consumer Affairs
statssekretær for naturressourcerState Secretary for Natural Resources
statssekretær for offentlig ordenState Secretary for Public Order
statssekretær for offentlige arbejderState Secretary for Public Works
statssekretær for offentligt ansatteState Secretary for Public Administration
statssekretær for parlamentsspørgsmålState Secretary for Parliamentary Affairs
statssekretær for postvæsen og telekommunikationState Secretary for Posts and Telecommunications
statssekretær for presse og massemedierState Secretary for the Press and the Mass Media
statssekretær for regional planlægning og udviklingState Secretary for Planning and Regional Development
statssekretær for sikkerhed under indenrigsministerenState Secretary for Security, attached to the Minister for the Interior
statssekretær for skatter og afgifterState Secretary for Tax Affairs
statssekretær for social sikringState Secretary for Social Security
statssekretær for sociale spørgsmålState Secretary for Social Security
statssekretær for sportState Secretary for Sport
statssekretær for statens finanserState Secretary for the Treasury
statssekretær for sundhedState Secretary for Health
statssekretær for sundhedsspørgsmålState Secretary for Health
statssekretær for sundhedsvæsenetState Secretary for Health
statssekretær for transportState Secretary for Transport
statssekretær for transport og kommunikationState Secretary for Transport and Communications
statssekretær for turismeState Secretary for Tourism
statssekretær for udenrigsanliggenderState Secretary for Foreign Affairs
statssekretær for udenrigshandelState Secretary for Foreign Trade
statssekretær for udenrigsspørgsmålState Secretary for Foreign Affairs
statssekretær for udenrigsspørgsmål og udviklingssamarbejdeState Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Co-operation
statssekretær for udviklingsbistand under premierministerenState Secretary for Development Cooperation, attached to the Prime Minister
statssekretær for undervisningState Secretary for Education
statssekretær for undervisning, kultur og videnskabState Secretary for Education, Cultural Affairs and Science
statssekretær for undervisning og kirkelige anliggenderState Secretary for Education and Religious Affairs
statssekretær for undervisning og sportState Secretary for Education and Sport
statssekretær for undervisning på primær- og sekundærtrinnetState Secretary for Primary and Secondary Education
statssekretær for undervisningsressourcerState Secretary for Educational Resources
statssekretær for undervisningsspørgsmålState Secretary for Education
statssekretær for ungdomsspørgsmålState Secretary for Youth
statssekretær for universiteter og forskningState Secretary for Universities and Research
statssekretær for universiteter samt for videnskabelig og teknologisk forskningState Secretary for the Universities and for Scientific and Technological Research
statssekretær for videnskab og teknologiState Secretary for Science and Technology
statssekretær for økonomiState Secretary for Economic Affairs
statssekretær for økonomiske anliggenderState Secretary for Economic Affairs
statssekretær, ForbundsfinansministerietState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance
statssekretær, ForbundsforsvarsministerietState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Defence
statssekretær, ForbundsindenrigsministerietState Secretary, Federal Ministry of the Interior
statssekretær, ForbundsjustitsministerietState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Justice
statssekretær, forbundskanslerens kontorState Secretary, Federal Chancellery
statssekretær, Forbundsministeriet for Arbejds- og SocialspørgsmålState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
statssekretær, Forbundsministeriet for Ernæring, Landbrug og SkovbrugState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry
statssekretær, Forbundsministeriet for Familie-, Ældre-, Kvinde- og UngdomsspørgsmålState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
statssekretær, Forbundsministeriet for Fysisk Planlægning, Anlægsarbejder og ByplanlægningState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development
statssekretær, Forbundsministeriet for Miljø, Naturbeskyttelse og ReaktorsikkerhedState Secretary, Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety
statssekretær, Forbundsministeriet for Postvæsen og TelekommunikationState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Post and Telecommunications
statssekretær, Forbundsministeriet for Undervisning, Videnskab, Forskning og TeknologiState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology
statssekretær, Forbundsministeriet for Økonomisk Samarbejde og UdviklingState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Economic Co-operation and Development
statssekretær, forbundspræsidentens kontorState Secretary, Office of Federal President
statssekretær, ForbundssundhedsministerietState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Health
statssekretær, ForbundstrafikministerietState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Transport
statssekretær, ForbundsudenrigsministerietState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs
statssekretær, ForbundsøkonomiministerietState Secretary, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs
statssekretær, ForsvarsministerietParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence
statssekretær, Handels- og Industriministeriet virksomhedsanliggenderParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Trade and Industry Corporate Affairs
statssekretær i udenrigsministerietUnder Secretary of State for Foreign affairs
statssekretær, IndenrigsministerietParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office
statssekretær, Lordkanslerens Ministerium JustitsministerietParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Lord Chancellor's Department
statssekretær med ansvar for sikkerhedsanliggenderState Secretary for Security
statssekretær, medlem af ForbundsdagenParliamentary State Secretary
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsfinansministerenParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Finance
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsforsvarsministerenParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Defence
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsindenrigsministerenParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of the Interior
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsjustitsministerenParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Justice
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsministeren for arbejds- og socialspørgsmålParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsministeren for ernæring, landbrug og skovbrugParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Forestry
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsministeren for familie-, ældre-, kvinde- og ungdomsspørgsmålParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsministeren for fysisk planlægning, anlægsarbejder og byplanlægningParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsministeren for miljø, naturbeskyttelse og reaktorsikkerhedParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsministeren for postvæsen og telekommunikationParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Post and Telecommunications
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsministeren for undervisning, videnskab, forskning og teknologiParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Education, Science, Research and Technology
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsministeren for økonomisk samarbejde og udviklingParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Co-operation and Development
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundssundhedsministerenParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Health
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundstrafikministerenParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Transport
statssekretær, medlem af Forbundsdagen, under forbundsøkonomiministerenParliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs
statssekretær, MiljøministerietParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of the Environment
statssekretær, MiljøministerietMinister for Energy Efficiency
statssekretær, Ministeriet for Landbrug, Fiskeri og ErnæringParliamentary Under-Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
statssekretær, Ministeriet for NordirlandParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office
statssekretær, Ministeriet for Offentligt Ansatte og Videnskab under "the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster"Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Office of Public Service and Science Office of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
statssekretær, Ministeriet for SkotlandParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Scottish Office
statssekretær, Ministeriet for Social SikringParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Social Security
statssekretær, Ministeriet for Udenrigs- og Commonwealth-anliggenderParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
statssekretær, Ministeriet for WalesParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Welsh Office
statssekretær, premierministerens kontorState Secretary for Relations with the Prime Minister's Office
statssekretær, premierministerens kontorState Secretary, Prime Minister's Office
statssekretær, SundhedsministerietParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health
statssekretær, Trafikministeriet transport i London, lokal transport og trafiksikkerhedParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Transport Transport in London, Local Transport and Road Safety
statssekretær, UdenrigsministerietState Secretary, Foreign Affairs
statssekretær under arbejds- og socialministerenState Secretary to the Minister for Employment and Social Security
statssekretær under finansministeren, med ansvar for finansielle spørgsmålState Secretary to the Minister for Finance, with responsibility for Finance
statssekretær under indenrigsministerenState Secretary to the Minister for the Interior
statssekretær under industriministeren, med ansvar for udenrigshandelState Secretary to the Minister for Industry, with responsibility for Foreign Trade
statssekretær under justitsministerenState Secretary to the Minister for Justice
statssekretær under ministeren for fysisk planlægning, med ansvar for transportState Secretary to the Minister for Regional Planning, with responsibility for Transport
statssekretær under ministeren for fysisk planlægning, med ansvar for udvikling af landistrikterneState Secretary to the Minister for Regional Planning, with responsibility for Rural Development
statssekretær under ministeren for integration med ansvar for vanskeligt stillede byområderState Secretary to the Minister for Integration, with responsibility for Areas in Difficulty
statssekretær under ministeren for maritime spørgsmålState Secretary to the Minister for Maritime Affairs
statssekretær under ministeren for offentlige arbejderState Secretary to the Minister for Public Works
statssekretær under ministeren for statsreformer, med ansvar for decentraliseringState Secretary to the Minister for State Reform, with Responsibility for Decentralization
statssekretær under ministerpræsidentenState Secretary, Prime Minister's Office
statssekretær under premierministerenState Secretary to the Prime Minister
statssekretær under premierministeren, med ansvar for beskæftigelseState Secretary to the Prime Minister, with responsibility for Employment
statssekretær under premierministeren, med ansvar for humanitære nødhjælpsforanstaltningerState Secretary to the Prime Minister, with responsibility for Emergency Humanitarian Measures
statssekretær under premierministeren, regeringens talsmandState Secretary to the Prime Minister, Government Spokesperson
statssekretær under sundhedsministerenState Secretary to the Minister for Health
statssekretær under udenrigsministeren, med ansvar for frankofone spørgsmålState Secretary to the Minister for Foregin Affairs, with responsibility for the French-speaking World
statssekretær under undervisningsministeren, med ansvar for de videregående uddannelserState Secretary to the Minister for Education, with responsibility for Higher Education
statssekretær under undervisningsministeren, med ansvar for forskningState Secretary to the Minister for Education, with responsibility for Research
statssekretær under undervisningsministeren, med ansvar for grundskoleundervisningState Secretary to the Minister for Education, with responsibility for School Education
statssekretær under økonomi- og finansministeren, med ansvar for budgettetState Secretary to the Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance, with responsibility for the Budget
statssekretær under økonomi- og finansministeren, med ansvar for finansielle spørgsmålState Secretary to the Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance, with responsibility for Finance
statssekretær, UndervisningsministerietParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Education
understatssekretær under statssekretær for kulturelle anliggenderDeputy State Secretary to the State Secretary for Culture
understatssekretær under statssekretæren under finansministeren, med ansvar for budgetspørgsmålDeputy State Secretary to the State Secretary to the Minister for Finance, with responsibility for the Budget