
Terms for subject Environment containing fri | all forms | exact matches only
affaldsdeponering i det friopen dumping
afproevning ved fri accelerationtest under free acceleration
de kondenserede, cykliske, carcinogene carbonhydrider, der træffes i fri luftthe carcinogenic condensed ring cyclic hydrocarbons encountered in the open air
fri asbestfree asbestos
fri bevægelighed for kapitalfree movement of capital The unrestrained flow of cash, funds, and other means of wealth between countries with different currencies
fri bevægelighed for kapitalfree movement of capital
frie chlorradikalerfree chlorine radicals
frie chlorradikalerchlorine radicals
Kasseret udstyr indeholdende fri asbestdiscarded equipment containing free asbestos
Rådets direktiv 90/313/EØF om fri adgang til miljøoplysningerCouncil Directive 90/313/EEC on the freedom of access to information on the environment
tør og fri for mineralerdry,mineral matter free
tør og fri for mineralerdry,mineral-matter-free
tør og fri for mineralerdmmf
tør og fri for mineralerd.m.m.f.
XHC-fri forrensningXHC-free precleaning