
Terms for subject Natural sciences containing F | all forms | exact matches only
EF-handlingsprogram for bevarelse, beskrivelse og udnyttelse af genressourcer i landbrugetCommunity programme for the conservation, characterization and utilization of genetic resources in agriculture
EF-inspektoratCommunity inspectorate
EF-program for avanceret submikronteknologiJoint European Submicron Silicon Initiative
EF-program for avanceret submikronteknologiEuropean advanced sub-micron technology programme
EF-referencelaboratorium for analyse og prøveudtagning af mælk og mælkebaserede produkterCommunity Reference Laboratory for the analysis and testing of milk and milk products
EF-referencelaboratorium for zoonoseepidemiologiCommunity Reference Laboratory for the epidemiology of zoonoses
Forskningsudvalget EF-CypernEC-Cyprus Research Committee
Forskningsudvalget EF-IsraelEC-Israel Research Committee
fælles rådgivende gruppe EF/USA for videnskab og teknologiJoint EC/US Consultative Group on Science and Technology
prænormativ F&Upre-normative research and development
prænormativ F&Upre-normative R & D
Stort, målrettet projekt i Nordatlanten inden for F&U-fællesskabsprogrammet for havforskning og -teknologi 1991-1994MastprogrammetLarge-scale targeted project in the North Atlantic of the Research and Technical Development specific programme on marine science and technology 1991 to 1994