
Terms containing подзаконные нормативные акты | all forms | in specified order only
lawподзаконные нормативно-правовые актыsubordinate legislation
lawподзаконные нормативно-правовые актыdelegated legislation (In the United Kingdom, delegated legislation (also referred to as secondary legislation or subordinate legislation or subsidiary legislation) is law made by an executive authority under powers delegated from a legislature by enactment of primary legislation; the primary legislation grants the executive agency power to implement and administer the requirements of that primary legislation. It is law made by a person or body other than the legislature but with the legislature's authority. In the U.S., the corresponding terminology is as follows: the statute that delegates authority (referred to above as "primary legislation") is called an "authorizing statute" or "delegation of rule making authority" the resultant law promulgated by the executive branch agency (referred to above as "secondary legislation") is called a "regulation"–in the United States, "legislation" is used exclusively to refer to acts of a legislative branch, never the executive or judicial branch the body of law that governs the agency's exercise of rule making and adjudication powers is called "administrative law," primarily the Administrative Procedure Act. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.подзаконные нормативно-правовые актыdelegated legislation (In the United Kingdom, delegated legislation (also referred to as secondary legislation or subordinate legislation or subsidiary legislation) is law made by an executive authority under powers delegated from a legislature by enactment of primary legislation; the primary legislation grants the executive agency power to implement and administer the requirements of that primary legislation. It is law made by a person or body other than the legislature but with the legislature's authority. In the U.S., the corresponding terminology is as follows: the statute that delegates authority (referred to above as "primary legislation") is called an "authorizing statute" or "delegation of rule making authority" the resultant law promulgated by the executive branch agency (referred to above as "secondary legislation") is called a "regulation"–in the United States, "legislation" is used exclusively to refer to acts of a legislative branch, never the executive or judicial branch the body of law that governs the agency's exercise of rule making and adjudication powers is called "administrative law," primarily the Administrative Procedure Act. WK Alexander Demidov)
lawподзаконные нормативные актыagency rules (Reuters Alex_Odeychuk)
notar.подзаконные нормативные актыdelegated legislation
EBRDподзаконные нормативные актыby-laws (oVoD)
lawподзаконные нормативные актыgovernment rules and regulations (sankozh)
gen.подзаконные нормативные актыsubordinate legislation (kee46)
gen.подзаконные нормативные правовые акты федеральных органов исполнительной властиfederal regulations (The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations (sometimes called administrative law) published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government of the United States. WK Alexander Demidov)
busin.подзаконный нормативно-правовой актsubordinate legislation