
Terms containing печать компании | all forms | in specified order only
tech.диспетчер печати компании AdobeAdobe type manager
gen.основная печать и официальная печать компанииcommon seal vs official seal (

A for use abroad, if authorised by its constitution. This seal resembles the common seal of the company, with the addition of the name of the place outside the state where it is to be used.

Unlike the common seal, the official seal for use abroad may be used by a single person (agent), who has been authorised by the company in writing under its common seal. When an agent executes a deed on behalf of the company using the official seal, he or she must also certify by writing on the deed the date and place the seal was affixed. The seal must state the exact registered name of the company but abbreviations are permitted for the different company types for example Ltd. A logo or other significant symbol particular to the company can also be incorporated into the design of its seal.

A company may also have an official seal beauchamps.ie LadaP)

lawпереход на печать компанииadoption of common seal (Термин действует в учредительных договорах и уставах. Konstantin 1966)
lawпечать компанииcommon seal
econ.печать компанииcorporate seal
EBRDпечать компанииbusiness stamp (обычно прямоугольный штамп oVoD)
econ.печать компанииseal of company
busin.печать компанииcompany stamp
lawСкреплено печатью вышеуказанной КомпанииGiven under this Common Seal of the above Company (Термин используется во всех юридических документах Konstantin 1966)
lawСкреплено печатью компанииGiven under the common seal of the Company (Mirashka)
lawскреплено печатью компанииgiven under the Common Stamp of the Company (linkin64)
busin.собственноручно подписываю и скрепляю настоящий документ корпоративной печатью компанииhereunto set my hand and affixed the Common Seal (Alex_UmABC)