
Terms for subject Architecture containing материалы | all forms | exact matches only
материалы для внутренней отделкиinterior finishes (yevsey)
материалы и ресурсная базаMaterials and Resources (варианты перевода категории оценки строительного проекта по системе LEED. The Materials and Resources (MR) credit category focuses on minimizing the embodied energy and other impacts associated with the extraction, processing, transport, maintenance, and disposal of building materials. The requirements are designed to support a life-cycle approach that improves performance and promotes resource efficiency yevsey)
материалы и ресурсыMaterials and Resources (yevsey)
материалы местного происхожденияmaterials sourced locally (yevsey)
строительные материалы для крыши и кровлиconstruction products for roofs and roof coverings (yevsey)