
Terms containing второе полугодие | all forms | in specified order only
gen.во втором полугодииin the latter six months (term contracts entered into at the beginning of the downturn that began in the latter six months of 2001 would not be renegotiated until the first quarter of 2002. Alexander Demidov)
gen.во втором полугодииduring the second half of the year (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.во втором полугодииin the second half of the year (fluent)
gen.во втором полугодии 2009 г.in the second half of 2009 (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.второе полугодиеthe latter half of the year (Anglophile)
econ.второе полугодиеH2 (финансового года unrecyclable)
railw.второе полугодиеlater months of the year (Кунделев)
gen.второе полугодиеthe latter six months (Forty of those deaths occurred during the first six months of the year, and the remaining nine died during the latter six months. | ... importantly, however, between the first half of 2001 and the latter six months of 2001, apparent U.S. consumption declined by 32.3 percent. | ... they stand thus, by the average in the third column : For the first six months (Jan. – June.) 10-174 in- For the latter six months (July – Dec.) 14-630 Alexander Demidov)
gen.второе полугодиеsummer half (Anglophile)
gen.второе полугодиеthe second half of the year
abbr.первое, второе полугодиеH1, H2 (Johnny Bravo)
gen.поступить в школу в втором полугодииenter school in the summer half
Makarov.поступить в школу во втором полугодииenter school in the summer half