
Terms for subject Microsoft containing этап | all forms | exact matches only
этап бизнес-процессаworkflow stage (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
этап вычисленийcalculation pass (A stage of calculation in a multidimensional cube in which applicable calculations are evaluated)
этап запросаrequest phase (A particular phase of the ILM "2" request processing model. It represents one of three workflows: Authentication, Authorization or Action)
этап, когда скорость исправления ошибок превышает скорость обнаружения ошибокbug convergence (The point at which the rate of fixed bugs exceeds the rate of found bugs. Bug convergence is a visible indication that the team is making progress against the active bug count. It is a sign that the project end is within reach. Rori)
этап настройкиconfiguration pass (A phase of Windows installation. Different parts of the Windows operating system are installed in different configuration passes. You can specify Windows unattended installation settings to be applied in one or more configuration passes)
этап настройки пакетаpackage configuration phase (The phase where one of the Sequencing Wizards (the Package Configuration Wizard) gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file. Rori)
этап продажиsales stage (The part of the sales process where an opportunity currently is; for example, prospecting, needs analysis, closed or won, closed or lost, and so on)
этап рабочего процессаworkflow phase (Office System 2010 ssn)
этап разметкиlayout pass (A process that calculates the size and position of elements in the user interface)
этап установкиinstallation phase (The phase where one of the three Sequencing Wizards (the Installation Wizard) gathers information for monitoring an application's installation and launch)