
Terms for subject General containing экологическое | all forms | exact matches only
Американское экологическое обществоEcological Society of America
Британское экологическое обществоBritish Ecological Society
гормон, влияющий на экологическое равновесиеecomone
государственное экологическое управлениеnational environmental management (Alexander Demidov)
первоначальное экологическое обследованиеinitial environmental examination (IEE, ПЭО Vladimir71)
природоохранное и экологическое законодательствоnature-conservation and environmental laws (Alexander Demidov)
экологическое воздействиеecological footprint (Дмитрий_Р)
экологическое восстановлениеecological recovery (norg)
экологическое выздоровлениеecological recovery (ABelonogov)
экологическое государствоecological state (ABelonogov)
экологическое землепользованиеecological landuse (emmaus)
экологическое нормированиеenvironmental load rationing (ABelonogov)
экологическое обоснованиеenvironmental feasibility study (Alexander Demidov)
Экологическое партнёрство Северного измеренияNorthern Dimension Environmental Partnership (lxu5)
экологическое правонарушениеenvironmental crime (Environmental crime is an illegal act which directly harms the environment. International bodies such as the G8, Interpol, European Union, United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute have recognised the following environmental crimes: Illegal wildlife trade in endangered species in contravention to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES); Smuggling of Ozone depleting substances (ODS) in contravention to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; Dumping and illicit trade in hazardous waste in contravention of the 1989 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes and their Disposal; Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in contravention to controls imposed by various regional fisheries management organisations; Illegal logging and the associated trade in stolen timber in violation of national laws. WK Alexander Demidov)
экологическое прогнозированиеnatural environment forecasting (ABelonogov)
экологическое проектированиеgreen design (ambassador)
экологическое просвещениеpromotion of ecological awareness (ABelonogov)
экологическое развитиеenvironmental development (Alexander Demidov)
экологическое сельское хозяйствоecoagriculture (emmaus)
экологическое событиеenvironmental event (ssn)
экологическое сопровождениеenvironmental services (Alexander Demidov)
экологическое состояниеenvironmental position (для направления EN -> RU twinkie)
экологическое состояние >>environmental position (для направления EN <-> RU <)
Экологическое сотрудничество в Арктике в военной сфереArctic Military Environmental Cooperation (rechnik)
Экологическое, социальное и корпоративное управлениеEnvironmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (sarayli)
экологическое судноenvironmental response boat (Alexander Demidov)