
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing что такого | all forms | in specified order only
да что же это такое творитсяoh, for crying out loud (возмущённая реакция на новости: Oh, for crying out loud! -- Да что же это такое творится / делается! ART Vancouver)
до такой степени, чтоto the point where (A close friend's spouse is in business real estate downtown and they're seeing a huge drop in interest for new leases, to the point where they're looking at changing their career focus. (reddit.com) ART Vancouver)
до такой степени, чтоto the point (обычно с that или where; сокр. вариант: A Sunday stroll on the seawall in Yaletown took a terrifying turn for a Vancouver mother and her baby after a random verbal attack by a man left her shaken to the point she is planning to leave the city. (globalnews.ca) -- до такой степени напугана, что ART Vancouver)
до такой степени, чтоto the point that (The city said that after receiving two third-party engineering reports on the current fire and structural risks, it became clear the hotel has deteriorated to the point that it poses a danger to the public and adjacent buildings. (vancouverisawesome.com) ART Vancouver)
за что такие деньги?!why is it so expensive?!
такое впечатление, чтоit's almost as if (It's almost as if something has changed with our climate. I'm no expert, but the math will never lie. Just look at the Forest Fire stats by decade. A steady increase in thousands of hectares burned per year. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
что его побудило действовать таким образомwhat could have prompted him to act that way
я знаю, что это такоеI know what it feels like (Юрий Гомон)
я знаю, что это такоеI know how it feels (Юрий Гомон)
я такое ни за что на свете не пропущуI wouldn't miss it for the world (ART Vancouver)