
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing что говорит о | all forms | in specified order only
говорить о чём-тоbe on about (talk about Interex)
забыть, о чём только что говорилlose train of thought (Mira_G)
имя ни о чём не говоритwhat's in a name? (Andrey Truhachev)
имя ни о чём не говоритnames mean nothing (Andrey Truhachev)
не о чем говоритьend of story (Vadim Rouminsky)
о чём ты говоришь?for Pete's sake! ("Please--please--please leave me out of it," she whispered. "I'll give you more money. I'll give you all the money you want." "For Pete's sake. You've already given me more than I'd keep. It isn't money I want." (Raymond Chandler))
о чём я и говорю!that's what I keep telling everyone!
он знает, о чём говоритhe surely knows his onions when he speaks about (Coun. Steve Hayes is another councillor whose words are weighty when it comes to Birkenhead's situation. He was taken to the town at age two and he surely knows his onions when he speaks about the town. (YouTube) ART Vancouver)
то что говорить о ... ?what price something? (And if our political leaders fail to set a firm example, what price the fashion industry itself? • If even animals can't feel welcome and at home in Caledonia stern and wild, what price people? 4uzhoj)
это кому-либо ни о чём не говоритit does not convey anything to one's mind
это ни о чём не говоритit does not convey anything to mind (кому-либо)