
Terms for subject Disapproving containing хватающий | all forms
ей хватает наглостиshe has the audacity (I can't believe he has the audacity.)
ей хватает нахальстваshe has the audacity (I can't believe he has the audacity.)
хватает наглостиhas the nerve (Biden is so arrogant, he has the nerve to consider requesting another $100 billion for Ukraine after watching Israel go through pure Hell because of HIM! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
хватает нахальстваhas the nerve (Biden is so arrogant, he has the nerve to consider requesting another $100 billion for Ukraine after watching Israel go through pure Hell because of HIM! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
хватать наглостиhave the audacity (+ infinitive -- сделать что-л.: After what happened he has the audacity to greet me in the lobby every morning and sneer! -- хватает наглости / нахальства • ... and then she had the audacity to ask if I wanted regular or decaf. -- хватило наглости / нахальства ART Vancouver)
хватать нахальстваhave the audacity (+ infinitive -- сделать что-л.: After what happened he has the audacity to greet me in the lobby every morning and sneer! -- хватает наглости / нахальства • ... and then she had the audacity to ask if I wanted regular or decaf. -- хватило наглости / нахальства ART Vancouver)
этого ещё не хватало!that's the last straw!
этого ещё не хватало!indeed! (возмущённо: “How do you do, Mrs. Wigg,” said Jane politely. “Mrs. Wigg!” said the thin lady angrily. “How dare you call me Mrs. Wigg? No, thank you! I am plain Miss Persimmon and I am proud of it! Mrs. Wigg, indeed! Go upstairs and to the first door on the landing.” She seemed to be quite upset. -- Миссис Уигг, этого ещё не хватало! (Pamela Travers) ART Vancouver)
этого ещё не хватало!this is really too much!
этого ещё не хватало!that is going too far! (that’s)