
Terms containing френч-пресс | all forms | in specified order only
austral., new.zeal.кофе, приготовленный во френч-прессеplunger coffee (n English, the device is known in North America as a French press or coffee press; in Britain and Ireland as a cafetière, after the brand, La Cafetière; in New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa as a coffee plunger, and coffee brewed in it as plunger coffee.: Кофе, приготовленный во френч-прессе обладает более богатым вкусом и ароматом, чем заваренный просто в чашке. Подается 'More)
gen.кофе, приготовленный во френч-прессеFrench press coffee (French Press coffee brewing is usually complemented by medium to dark roasts. If you prefer to add milk and sugar to your coffee, the dark roast will go well with the French Press. The rich, earthy and chocolatey flavors of the coffee are further enhanced by a touch of milk. 'More)
biotechn.пресс ФренчаFrench pressure cell press (an apparatus used in biological experimentation to disrupt the plasma membrane of cells by passing them through a narrow valve under high pressure. CopperKettle)
gen.френч-прессpress pot (A French press, also known as a cafetière, cafetière à piston, caffettiera a stantuffo, press pot, coffee press, or coffee plunger, is a coffee brewing device, although it can also be used for other tasks. wikipedia.org ВВладимир)
gen.френч-прессplunger teapot (VLZ_58)
brit.френч-прессcafetiere (cafetière wikipedia.org ad_notam)
austral., new.zeal.френч-прессcoffee plunger (A French press, also known as a cafetière, cafetière à piston, caffettiera a stantuffo, press pot, coffee press, or coffee plunger, is a coffee brewing device, although it can also be used for other tasks. wikipedia.org ВВладимир)
gen.френч-прессcaffettiera a stantuffo (A French press, also known as a cafetière, cafetière à piston, caffettiera a stantuffo, press pot, coffee press, or coffee plunger, is a coffee brewing device, although it can also be used for other tasks. wikipedia.org ВВладимир)
gen.френч-прессcoffee press (A French press, also known as a cafetière, cafetière à piston, caffettiera a stantuffo, press pot, coffee press, or coffee plunger, is a coffee brewing device, although it can also be used for other tasks. wikipedia.org ВВладимир)
gen.френч-пресссafetiere a piston (cafetière à pisto ВВладимир)
gen.френч-прессFrench press (Френч-пресс (англ. French press — "французский пресс") — устройство для заваривания напитков — кофе и кофейных напитков, а также чая и травяных напитков. // a coffeepot in which ground beans are infused and then pressed to the bottom by means of a plunger wikipedia.org ВВладимир)