
Terms for subject General containing фонды прямых инвестиций | all forms | in specified order only
Российский фонд прямых инвестицийRussian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF – РФПИ rdif.ru darrenjohnson)
частный фонд прямых инвестицийprivate equity fund (a collective investment scheme used to invest in shares in a private company (as opposed to shares in a company listed on a stock exchange) where the source of finance is generally a fund owned by sophisticated investors whose strategy is to make the company more profitable and sell their shares for a profit: Italian private equity fund Investindustrial is widely reported to have made an offer of nearly $400m for Aston Martin. Phrase Bank ⃝ The structure of a private equity fund generally involves several key entities. ⃝ Our core business is providing private equity fund administration . ⃝ We have invested in emerging market private equity funds since the 1980s ⃝ IFC backs private equity funds ⃝ returns on private equity fund investments. TED Alexander Demidov)