
Terms for subject General containing устроить пожар | all forms | in specified order only
обвинять мальчиков в том, что они устроили пожарblame the boys for starting the fire (the secretary for having neglected his duty, the child for having been disobedient, the boy for having been lazy, etc., и т.д.)
устроить пожарcause a fire (В.И.Макаров)
устроить пожарset a fire (также start a fire: Police think an arsonist has set at least four fires in Stanley Park since Thursday. • Before leaving the scene, the murderer set a fire in order to obfuscate any evidence of their identity. • "Nothing wrong with condos/apartments. Much more efficient in terms of heat. Everybody doesn’t have to have a garden and grow food. That’s what supermarkets are for." "Until one of your inept neighbors starts a fire and burns down all 76 units in the building. Ask me how I know. Went from a 700 sq. ft. condo which burned down, to a 3300sq. Ft mountain-side house. Never going back to living like an ant in a tiny colony." -- пока один из твоих безмозглых соседей не устроит пожар vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)