
Terms containing условия сотрудничества | all forms | in specified order only
law, ADRанкета "Условия сотрудничества"RFP (Request for Proposal Svetova)
gen.в условиях сотрудничестваcollaborative environment (yanadya19)
gen.взаимовыгодные условия сотрудничестваgive-and-take relationship (Alexander Demidov)
busin.выгодные условия сотрудничестваfavourable terms of collaboration (Soulbringer)
gen.договорённости по коммерческим условиям сотрудничестваbusiness arrangements (Alexander Demidov)
gen.коммерческие условия сотрудничестваbusiness terms (Alexander Demidov)
formalобсуждать условия делового сотрудничестваnegotiate a business relationship (ART Vancouver)
adv.общие условия делового сотрудничестваterms of business
adv.общие условия сотрудничестваterms of business
sec.sys.отказаться от сотрудничества на их условияхrefuse to cooperate the way they want (Alex_Odeychuk)
insur.Соглашение об общих условиях сотрудничестваTOBA (Terms of Business Agreement Yuri Ginsburg)
Makarov.создавать условия для сотрудничестваcreate conditions for cooperation
econ.сотрудничество на подрядных условияхcooperation by contract
econ.сотрудничество на подрядных условияхcontract-based cooperation
busin.сотрудничество на условиях генподрядаcooperation on a turn-key basis
econ.сотрудничество на условиях "под ключ"cooperation on a turnkey basis
gen.условия сотрудничестваterms of business (These Terms of Business are between Hudson and its Client each time ... Any variation to the Terms of Business must be mutually agreed by both parties. Alexander Demidov)
gen.условия сотрудничестваterms and conditions of business (The following Terms and Conditions of Business apply to all present and future offers made by us to and contracts concluded by us with entrepreneurs ... Alexander Demidov)
busin.условия сотрудничестваbusiness terms and conditions (Business terms and conditions. These are the standard terms, conditions and pricing that may apply to business customers on EE, Orange and T-Mobile plans. | Business terms and conditions set the contract foundation between you and your customer. It doesn't matter if your business provides products or services, a terms-and-conditions document is essential. It protects your business, defines your procedures, limits your liability and explains what you have agreed to do. Alexander Demidov)
gen.условия сотрудничестваbusiness arrangements (According to 16 CFR 433.1 [Title 16 Commercial Practices; Chapter I Federal Trade Commission; Subchapter D Trade Regulation Rules; Part 433 Preservation Of Consumers'], business arrangement means "any understanding, procedure, course of dealing, or arrangement, formal or informal, between a creditor and a seller, in connection with the sale of goods or services to consumers or the financing thereof." uslegal.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.условия сотрудничестваcooperation conditions (Pavel_Shell)
gen.условия сотрудничестваterms of doing business (Standard Terms of Doing Business with the University | Make your terms of doing business with your clients clear at the very beginning and you won't trip up down the track. Alexander Demidov)