
Terms for subject Figurative containing управлением | all forms
инструмент управленияoperating lever (Ремедиос_П)
отобрать управлениеwrestle control of (чем-л. – у конкурента, другого ведомства и т.п.: The future of Kitsilano Pool will be much discussed over the next few years as Vancouver city council attempts to wrestle control of the aging facility from the Vancouver park board. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
потерять управление над собойLost a screw (Not functioning properly because all the screws that hold it together are loose. Пример: "Look at Kal, he acts like he lost a screw." Franka_LV)
принять управлениеtake over the helm (чем-либо: Ben Sandberg has taken over the helm at The History Center in Tompkins County at an exciting moment. 4uzhoj)
сфера управленияwheelhouse (Vadim Rouminsky)
чередование партий в управлении странойthe swing of the pendulum