
Terms for subject General containing транспортная упаковка | all forms | in specified order only
групповая и транспортная упаковкаmultipack and overpack (Note: Both multipack and overpack cartons should be double-wall. 6.2.3 Desktop/Workstation/Server. For Japan and Latin America models, ... Alexander Demidov)
транспортная упаковкаtertiary packaging (Wakeful dormouse)
транспортная упаковкаmaster shipper (Vadim Rouminsky)
транспортная упаковкаoverpack (a wooden or fiber box used over a domestic box for overseas shipments for greater strength and protection. WTNI. A container intended to hold smaller containers. 2011, Minnesota Department of Transportation, "Minnesota Commercial Truck and Passenger Regulations Fact Sheet", accessed on 2013-05-03: Each container in an overpack must be a package authorized for that hazardous material in the HMR. WT state.mn.us Alexander Demidov)