
Terms for subject Microsoft containing теневое | all forms
клиентское ПО для работы с теневыми копиямиshadow copy client software (ssn)
ошибка теневого копирования томаvolume shadow copy service error (ssn)
служба теневого копирования томовVolume Shadow Copy Service (A Windows Server 2003 technology that supports creation of single point-in-time shadow copies – also known as snapshots – of single or multiple volumes without impacting file server performance. Volume Shadow Copy Service also supports backups of open files)
теневая копияshadow copy
теневая копия для резервного копированияbackup shadow copy (A shadow copy of a replica created by the DpmBackup command-line tool. In DPM, backup shadow copies are used to archive replicas to tape)
теневая папкаshadow folder (An optional file system folder that contains current copies of all files in a project. The shadow folder provides a location from which to view the files without accessing the Visual SourceSafe database and serves as a convenient place to build or compile the project)
теневые ИТshadow IT (vlad-and-slav)
теневые копии общих папокShadow Copies for Shared Folders (A Windows feature that provides access to point-in-time copies of files that are located on shared resources, such as a file server)