
   Russian English
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing так не | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
вам так не кажется?don't you find? (Himera)
вы так не думаете?don't you find? (Himera)
живи так, чтобы слова не расходились с деламиwalk as you talk (myrinx)
как бы не так!fuff
не догоним так согреемсяwarm up if not catch up (Val_Ships)
не мытьём, так катаньемwhip the old gentleman around the stump
не мытьём, так катаньемwhip the devil around the stump
не понос, так золотухаit's a different thing every day
не понос, так золотухаif it's not one thing, it's another (Maggie)
не просто такnot for nothing (The man wasn't a cop for nothing. He knew exactly which "buttons" to push. Val_Ships)
не совсем такnot quite (Does it mean that the matter is closed? Not quite. Val_Ships)
не так важноbesides the point (I can't think of anything that he and I agree on, but that's beside the point. Val_Ships)
не так, как было бы нужноoff-key (not in accordance with what is appropriate Val_Ships)
не так как надоon the wrong tack (astray Val_Ships)
не так, как следуетon the wrong tack (His line of questioning began on the wrong tack. Val_Ships)
не так посмотретьbreath wrong (Jimmy: What sets you off? Sean: Anything. Everything. Somebody bumping me. Somebody saying some shit. Somebody breathing wrong. When it happens, I just snap. And then everything goes white. I don't even know what the fuck happened until it's all over. Can you make it stop? – Shrinking, TV series Taras)
не так частоevery once in a while (Val_Ships)
не так частоonce in a while (Val_Ships)
Никогда не будет так, как былоain't never gonna be what it was (- Little Big Roy)
обернуться не так как надоturn sour (a business arrangement has turned sour Val_Ships)
пойти не так, как надоgo wrong (Everything about this party has gone wrong. Val_Ships)
так дело не пойдётthat won't do (Yeldar Azanbayev)
так и не врубитьсяbe none the wiser (I was none the wiser about black holes after the lecture. It was a complete waste of time. Val_Ships)
так и не въехатьbe none the wiser (Isabel must have explained her idea three times to me, but I'm afraid I'm none the wiser. Val_Ships)
так ничего и не понятьbe none the wiser (I was none the wiser about black holes after the lecture. Val_Ships)
так ничего и не уразуметьbe none the wiser (He tried to explain the tax structure, but in the end I was none the wiser. Val_Ships)
так, что не успеешь и глазом моргнутьin a flash (Val_Ships)
тебе так не кажется?don't you find? (Himera)
ты так не думаешь?don't you find? (Himera)
Уже никогда не будет так, как былоain't never gonna be what it was (- Little Big Roy)
что-то не такsomething's off-key (Val_Ships)