
Terms for subject European Union containing субъект | all forms | exact matches only
субъект хозяйствованияundertaking (The term undertaking is not defined in the EC Treaty or the Act, but its meaning has been set out in Community law. It covers any natural or legal person engaged in economic activity, regardless of its legal status and the way in which it is financed. It includes companies, partnerships, firms, businesses, individuals operating as sole traders, agricultural cooperatives, associations of undertakings (e.g. trade associations), non-profit making organisations and (in some circumstances) public entities that offer goods or services on a given market. 'More)
Уполномоченный субъект экономической деятельностиAEO (Предприятие ЕС, получившее данный статус, получает возможность использовать упрощённые таможенные процедуры Rus7)