
Terms for subject Formal containing степеням | all forms
в значительной степени обязанthanks in large part to (There’s no question we are pleased to see the private sector investing in itself on our industrial waterfront. It enables the trade that defines our economy and sets our standard of living. But Seaspan’s current boom times are thanks in large part to their being awarded federal contracts under the national shipbuilding strategy, which taxpayers continue to top up with each cost overrun. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
в той же степени, что иthe same extent as (Breathing through the nose does not dry the mouth to the same extent as breathing through the mouth does. ART Vancouver)
в удовлетворительной степениsatisfactorily (students who have satisfactorily completed Grade 9, 10 or 11, or the equivalent ART Vancouver)
присуждённая степеньtitle conferred (из приложения к диплому Лондонского Имперского колледжа Johnny Bravo)
степень важностиimportance (такой уж он русский язык, одного слова кажется мало goroshko)