
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing совершил | all forms
безнаказанно совершить преступлениеget away with murder ("U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday said pharmaceutical companies are "getting away with murder" in what they charge the government for medicines, and promised that would change, sending drugs stocks sharply lower." – Reuters ART Vancouver)
не позволить (кому-л.)совершить задуманноеhead someone off at the pass (to prevent someone from accomplishing something, to forestall an event, to intercept and redirect someone КГА)
пытаться совершить невозможноеnail jelly to a wall (Andrey Truhachev)
пытаться совершить невозможноеnail jelly to a tree (Andrey Truhachev)
совершить безрассудный поступокbe out of someone's tree (Kugelblitz)
совершить исторический экскурсrewind (To fully understand the impact of Slovakia's first World Championship gold medal in hockey, we need to rewind. The dissolution of Czechoslovakia on January 1, 1993, meant that the Czech Ice Hockey Association took over the position of former Czechoslovakia while Slovakia was considered a "new" hockey nation VLZ_58)
совершить крутой поворотturn on a dime (A car that will turn on a dime at high speed without turning turtle is what I want. Val_Ships)
совершить маленькое чудоmake a little miracle happen (Mira_G)
совершить махинациюpull a fast one
совершить невозможное, что-либо из ряда вон выходящееcan the can (Roman Voronin)
совершить нечто неожиданноеtake a left turn (из значения left turn – an unexpected change from the way things seemed to be going КГА)
совершить ошибкуbark up the wrong tree (to make the wrong choice: I barked up the wrong tree when I applied to such good colleges with my average grades.)
совершить поворот на 180 градусовbox the compass (13.05)
совершить предосудительный поступокput a foot out of place (In his NHL100 profile of Beliveau, NHL.com columnist Dave Stubbs outlined some of what made Beliveau special: "He lived every day of his adult life in the public eye without once putting a foot out of place; for more than half a century, from 1953 until the first of two strokes cut into his legendary energy, he answered by hand each of the thousands of pieces of fan mail that came his way. VLZ_58)
совершить прорывchange horses (Yanamahan)
совершить экскурс в прошлоеrewind (VLZ_58)