
Terms for subject Religion containing совершать | all forms | exact matches only
соборовать перед кончиной, совершать соборованиеadminister the last rites (над умирающим delta)
совершать акт возмездияvenge
совершать акцию вандализмаvandalize (Willfully or maliciously destroy or deface public or private property)
совершать богослужениеofficiate (To serve as a celebrant of a ceremony)
совершать всенощное бодрствованиеkeep vigil at night (Alex_Odeychuk)
совершать исламские ритуалыpractice Islamic rituals (Alex_Odeychuk)
совершать миропомазаниеanoint
совершать обрезаниеcircumcise (To perform the religious rite of circumcision, cleanse from sin)
совершать обрядofficiate (To serve as a celebrant of a ceremony)
совершать обряд бракосочетанияofficiate at a marriage ceremony
совершать паломничествоpilgrimage (Andrey Truhachev)
совершать паломничествоpalmer (шотл. Andrey Truhachev)
совершать паломничествоpilgrimize (To travel to a shrine or holy place as a devotee)
совершать памятьcommemoration
совершать прегрешенияerr (Lena Nolte)
совершать ритуалperform a ritual (k8t)
совершать ритуалofficiate (To serve as a celebrant of a ceremony)
совершать служениеperform one's service (aspss)
совершать таинствоadminister the Sacrament
совершать торжественную литургиюfeast
совершать человеческие жертвоприношенияoffer up human sacrifices (to: They plundered the country around but found little spoil; some of the poor natives they took prisoners, as the time for holding their yearly festival was at hand, to offer up human sacrifices to Thor and Woden. As they passed along they came upon the trace of a boar. They hunted it around Wildboarclough, but with what success is not known. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)