
Terms for subject Figurative containing скользко | all forms
идти по скользкому путиhead down a slippery slope (Вирченко)
скользкая дорожкаdangerous slope to slide on (But I will say this. It is a dangerous slope to slide on. 4uzhoj)
скользкая дорожкаslippery slope (a chain of events that, once initiated, cannot be halted; especially one in which the final outcome is undesirable or precarious: I think basing your actions off an assumption like that is a slippery slope that is going to get you in trouble Taras)
скользкая темаdelicate topic
скользкий путьslippery slope (a course of action likely to lead to something bad or disastrous: he is on the slippery slope towards a life of crime Taras)