
Terms for subject General containing серьёзная травма | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
всё обошлось без серьёзных травмthere were no serious injuries (“The vehicle’s driver was not injured, but one person did suffer minor injuries when moving out of harms way,” said WVPD spokesperson Suzanne Birch. “We are grateful that there were no serious injuries and would like to encourage everyone to take care when operating a vehicle.” (vancouver.citynews.ca) • К счастью, всё обошлось без серьёзных травм, хотя авария и выглядела жутко. (krasrab.ru) ART Vancouver)
мне было больно узнать, что у неё серьёзные травмыit grieved me to learn that she had been severely injured
нанести серьёзные травмыseriously hurt (The man who was behind the wheel in a crash in downtown Vancouver three years ago, killing a baby and seriously hurting her father, has been acquitted on all charges. Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. (globalnews.ca) ART Vancouver)
он не работал в течение шести месяцев из-за серьёзной травмы коленаhe has been out of action for 6 months with a serious knee injury
он получил серьёзную травму в аварииhe was severely injured in an accident
получить серьёзную травмуbe seriously injured (lexicographer)
получить серьёзные травмыget seriously hurt (The chase ended up with a crash and someone getting seriously hurt. ART Vancouver)
получить серьёзные травмыbe seriously hurt (Three workers were seriously hurt in an underground explosion. ART Vancouver)
потенциально серьёзные травмы и смертельные случаиPSIF (potential serious injuries and fatalities ipesochinskaya)
серьёзная травмаbad injury
серьёзная травмаheavy injury
серьёзная травмаnasty injury
серьёзная травма головыserious head injury (Always buckle up your child in the cart seat, then fasten him or her securely. You child can fall out of the cart and suffer a serious head injury. – получить серьёзную травму головы ART Vancouver)
Серьёзные травмы и смертельные случаиSerious Injuries and Fatality (Anton12)
серьёзные травмы и смертельные случаиSIF (Serious Injuries and Fatality Anton12)