
Terms for subject Microsoft containing сделали | all forms
Поднести и сделатьTap and Do (A gesture that enables proximity-based authentication between two devices. Rori)
сделать активнымactivate (To make a record, file, or other data available in the system)
Сделать доступным для чтения и записиMake read-write (Windows 8 Rori)
Сделать доступными функции раздела книги учёта налогов.Enable sales tax book section functionality (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
сделать плавающимfloat (To manipulate an interface element, such as a panel or a toolbar, in order to make it a window separate from the application window)
сделать предварительную пробуpreroll (To capture or play a number of video frames or a portion of audio data before encoding or rendering begins, in order to allow the source device to stablize)
Сделать снимок во время видеозвонкаTake a snapshot during video calls (Skype for Windows 5.10 Rori)