
Terms for subject Microsoft containing свойств | all forms | exact matches only
автоматически реализуемое свойствоauto-implemented property (A Visual Basic and C property that can be declared in a single line of code)
аннотационное свойствоannotational property (A property that is maintained by Metadata Services as string data that can be attached to any repository object that exposes the IAnnotationalProps interface. Rori)
в базу данных распространителя вставлена команда создания расширенных свойств для статьи "%1"Inserted extended properties creation command for article "%1" into the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
в базу данных распространителя добавлены команды отложенного создания расширенных свойств для статьи "0"Inserted deferred extended property creation commands for article "0" into the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
в меню "Сервис" выберите команду "Свойства браузера"on the Tools menu, select Internet Options. (Office System 2010)
в меню "Сервис" выберите команду "Свойства обозревателя"on the Tools menu, select Internet Options. (Office System 2007)
в обозревателе Internet Explorer в меню "Сервис" выберите пункт "Свойства обозревателя" и перейдите на вкладку "Дополнительно"in Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Internet Options, and then click the Advanced tab. (Internet Explorer 8, Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008)
виртуальное свойство, объявленное в интерфейсеvirtual property declared in an interface (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Возвращает или задаёт значение логического свойства, которое показывает, включен ли параметр конфигурации remote proc transGets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the remote proc trans configuration option is enabled (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
выражение свойстваproperty expression (An expression that is assigned to a property and updates the value of the property. Rori)
группа свойствproperty group (A set of logically related properties that apply to an object. Rori)
Данное значение недопустимо для этого свойства зависимостиGiven value is not valid for the given dependency property (System Center Service Manager 2012)
десериализовать в свойства только для чтенияdeserialize onto read-only properties (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
диалоговое окно настраиваемых свойствcustom properties dialog box (A custom property sheet that allows users to set properties for an ActiveX control. Rori)
диспетчер свойствproperty manager (A part of Managing Visual C++ Projects that enables you to modify project settings that are defined in property sheets. Rori)
Добавить свойство зависимостиAdd Dependency Property (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
другие свойстваcustom properties (Windows 8 Rori)
запись свойстваwrite property (A permission level that grants a process the ability to change properties on another process. Rori)
значение свойства событияevent property value (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
инициализатор свойстваproperty initializer (Alex_Odeychuk)
ключ-в-ключ свойствоkey-to-key property (ssn)
контейнер свойствproperty bag
контекстное свойствоcontext property (The implicit state, and code to manage that state, held on behalf of an object instance. For example, the transaction context property holds the transaction identifier of the transaction that the object is participating in)
кэш свойствproperty cache
кэшированные свойства визуализатораcached renderer properties (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
локальное свойствоlocal property (A non-system property defined for a class, but not inherited from a superclass)
метод доступа в свойствеaccessor method in a property (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
наследование свойств лотовlot inheritance (The practice of configuring items so that their product characteristics and shelf life information can be updated based on their ingredients)
настраиваемая страница свойствcustom properties dialog box
настраиваемые свойстваcustom properties (Windows Vista Rori)
Настраиваемые свойства, связанные с ячейкамиCustom properties linked to cells (Office System 2010 Rori)
недопустимые или отсутствующие свойстваinvalid or missing properties (lavazza)
обработчик свойствproperty handler (A handler that translates data stored in a file into a structured schema that is recognized by and can be accessed by Windows Explorer, Windows Search, and other applications. Rori)
обязательное свойствоmandatory property (A property that requires a value when it exists as an object in the Directory Navigator and in the diagram. Mandatory properties that are defined for a class cannot be deleted)
ограничение по свойствамfinite property (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
ограничение по свойствам рабочих центровlimited properties of work centers (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
окно свойствProperties window (A window that is used to display properties for objects selected in the two main types of windows available in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). These two types of windows are Tool windows (such as Solution Explorer, Class View, and Object browser) and Document windows (containing such editors and designers as the forms designer, XML editor, and HTML editor))
описание значений списка настраиваемых свойствCustom Properties Value List Descriptions (Project 2013 Rori)
определение свойстваproperty definition (The characteristics or properties that define how a property is used and interpreted. The group of properties that forms a property definition is stored in a dictionary. Rori)
отображение свойств событийdisplays event properties (Windows 8 ssn)
Ошибка при удалении индивидуальных свойств документаFailed to delete document custom properties. (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Панель свойствProperties panel (A dockable window that displays the properties that are set on the selected object. In most cases, the property values can be edited in the window)
параметры свойств, используемых при обходе контентаBulk Crawled Property Settings (Office System 2010, SharePoint Search 2013 Rori)
параметры свойстваProperty Settings (Office System 2010 Rori)
переупорядочение свойствReorder properties (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
политика именования свойствproperty naming policy (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
пользовательские свойстваcustom properties (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
поля свойствproperty fields
предопределённое свойствоin-schema property (A metabase property predefined in the metabase schema file)
предопределённое свойствоin-schema property
присоединённое свойствоattached property (A property that is defined by XAML. An attached property can be set on any object, not just on the type that defines the property or its accessors. The attached property provider must provide static Get(PropertyName) and Set(PropertyName) methods as accessors for these attached properties. Rori)
просмотр свойств профиляView Profile Properties (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
просмотреть свойства профиляView Profile Properties (Rori)
распространение свойствproperty promotion
расширенное свойствоExtended property (User-defined text (descriptive or instructional including input masks and formatting rules) specific to a database or database object. The text is stored in the database as a property of the database or object)
свойства базы данных распространителяdistribution database properties (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
свойства гиперобъектаHotspot Properties (Office System 2010 Rori)
свойства документаdocument properties (Properties, such as title, subject, and author, that are stored with each data access page)
свойства интерфейса UMLUML interface properties (Visio 2007 ssn)
свойства интерфейса пользователяuser interface features (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
свойства обработчика событийevent handler properties (Office System 2010 ssn)
Свойства пользователяUser Properties (Andy)
свойства продуктаProduct Feature (Andy)
свойства регулятора ресурсовresource governor properties (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
свойства сведений о событииevent detail properties (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
свойства событийevent properties (Windows 8 ssn)
свойства события изменения UMLUML change event properties (Visio 2007 ssn)
свойства события сигнала UMLUML signal event properties (Visio 2007 ssn)
свойства файлаfile property (A detail about a file that helps identify it, such as a descriptive title, the author name, the subject, or a keyword that identifies topics or other important information in the file)
свойства формыform properties (Attributes of a form that affect its appearance or behavior. For example, the DefaultView property is a form property that determines whether a form will automatically open in Form view or Datasheet view)
свойства экранаDisplay Properties
свойство аспектаfacet property (A predefined property that applies to a specific facet in Policy-Based Management)
свойство базы данных распространителяdistribution database property (ssn)
свойство дискриминатораdiscriminator property (A column in a database table that contains a value that determines which class any given record belongs to. Rori)
свойство зависимостейdependency property (In Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight, a property represented by a DependencyProperty identifier that is registered with the property system. Dependency properties can be defined only by DependencyObject types, which typically expose the identifier as a public static field. The property system determines their effective value based on a precedence evaluation of all possible value sources. Rori)
свойство идентификаторовidentity property (A property that generates values that uniquely identify each row in a table. Rori)
свойство навигацииnavigation property (A property of entity types that uses an association to reference related entities. Rori)
свойство необязательной определённостиnullable property (A property which controls if a field can have a NULL value. Rori)
свойство "Порядок сортировки"OrderBy property (ssn)
свойство словаряDictionary property (A property whose value can be set to the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the dictionary, an error message, or an empty string if no dictionary URI is found)
свойство событияevent property (A named attribute of a control, form, report, data access page, or section you use to respond to an associated event. You can run a procedure or macro when an event occurs by setting the related event property)
свойство сопоставленияjoining property (A property of which the value for an entry in one directory can be expected to match the value of a given property of the corresponding entry in another directory. Rori)
свойство строкиline property (A code that specifies which transactions in a journal are chargeable and which are non-chargeable)
свойство удостоверенияidentity property (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
свойство устройстваdevice property (The configuration setting of a device, such as name, vendor, location, and source)
свойство элементаmember property (A characteristic of a dimension member. Dimension member properties can be alphanumeric, Boolean, or Date/Time data types, and can be user-defined or predefined)
свойство элемента измеренияdimension member property (A characteristic of a dimension member. Dimension member properties can be alphanumeric, Boolean, or Date/Time data types, and can be user-defined or predefined. Rori)
сетка свойств верхнего уровняtop-level property grid (A property grid that only displays the properties that appear in the sentence-level view of an action. Rori)
сетка свойств верхнего уровняtop-level property grid (A property grid that only displays the properties that appear in the sentence-level view of an action)
синтаксис инициализатора свойстваproperty initializer syntax (Alex_Odeychuk)
система свойств WindowsWindows Property System (An extensible read/write system of data definitions that provides a uniform way of expressing metadata about Shell items. Rori)
системное свойствоsystem property (A property that the CIM Object Manager defines to provide information that applies to each class (for example, name, derivation, and namespace))
скалярное свойствоscalar property (A property of an entity that maps to a single field in the storage schema. Rori)
собирательное свойствоshorthand property (A type of property that allows authors to specify the values of several properties with a single property. For instance, the "font" property is a shorthand property for setting "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-size", "line-height", and "font-family" all at once)
событие изменения свойстваproperty changed event (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
создать страницу свойствproperty sheet control (A standard Windows control used to create property sheet interfaces)
сохранение пользовательских свойств в качестве шаблонаSave Custom Properties as a Template (Windows 8 Rori)
статическое свойствоstatic property (A property that is common to all instances of an object)
страница свойствproperty sheet
страница свойствproperties page (A dialog box that displays information about an object in the interface)
схема свойствproperty schema (A schema that you associate with a BizTalk Server schema, and used to identify the element fields in a document that will be promoted to the message context as property fields. Rori)
таблица свойств фигурыShapeSheet (A spreadsheet that contains information about a shape; for example, its dimensions, angle, and center of rotation and the styles that determine the shape's appearance)
триггер свойствproperty trigger (The mechanism by which a change in one property triggers either an instant or an animated change in one or more other properties. Rori)
у выбранного свойства неправильный тип 0 вместо 1currently selected property has a wrong type of 0 instead of 1 (Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) ssn)
у интерфейса имеются свойстваInterface Has Properties (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
управление свойствами на уровне развёртыванияmanaging deployment-level properties (microsoft.com bojana)
управляемое свойствоmanaged property (A property that defines how items will be saved to the search index, how you may search for the property and whether or not the property is shown in search results)
управляемое свойство, поддерживающее запросыqueryable managed property (A managed property that can be queried against. The query must contain the managed property field name, either in the query itself or programmatically. Rori)
управляемое свойство, поддерживающее извлечениеretrievable managed property (A managed property that can be displayed in search results. Rori)
управляемое свойство, поддерживающее поискsearchable managed property (A managed property whose value can be returned by a query. Rori)
управляемое свойство, поддерживающее сортировкуsortable managed property (A managed property whose result set can be sorted based on the property before the result set is returned Rori)
управляемое свойство, поддерживающее уточнениеrefinable managed property (A managed property that can be used as the basis for a refiner for search results. Rori)
хранилище свойств WindowsWindows Property Store (A Windows feature that facilitates a convenient way to get and set properties. It provides access to properties by using friendly canonical names in a type safe manner without dealing with PROPVARIANT. Developers can easily store basic data in a property store)
хранилище свойств WindowsWindows property store (ssn)
хранилище свойствproperty store (ssn)
Элемент VEVENT, "<0W>", определённый около строки <1D>, содержит пустую запись в свойстве RESOURCES.the VEVENT, "<0W>", defined near line <1D>, has a blank entry in the RESOURCES property (Outlook 2007, Office System 2010)