
Terms for subject Real estate containing рыночная | all forms | exact matches only
рыночная стоимость землиland costs (под застройку: Land costs in Burnaby are moderate compared to Vancouver. • Condon’s response over the past two years has been to go largely quiet in these pages while writing ‘Broken City: Land Speculation, Inequality and Urban Crisis’, the academic, peer-reviewed book published this spring by UBC Press. Its basic thesis is that unfettered speculation, fuelled by global wealth looking for asset investments, drives Vancouver land costs up so high they erase savings that can be delivered by building many units on a parcel instead of a few. (thetyee.ca) ART Vancouver)
текущая рыночная стоимость коммерческой недвижимостиcurrent commercial real estate market value (англ. оборот используется в США Alex_Odeychuk)