
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing решающий', "решала | all forms
всё решатьcall the shots (In today's health care system, insurance companies call the shots. They pick whom they cover and how they cover them. They can cut off your benefits when you need your coverage the most. They are in charge. • The car sales staff can chat away all they like to the man about brake, horsepower and top speeds but it's really the woman who calls the shots. • In the economy, however, it is always big capital that calls the shots.)
кадры решают всеcadres decide everything (букв. snowleopard)
кадры решают всеcadres are the key to everything (snowleopard)
решается судьбаon the line (When the game is on the line... VLZ_58)
решать дела по-крупномуdo things in a big way (Andrey Truhachev)
решать немедленноthink on one's feet (have good ideas and make decisions quickly (Macmillan's Dictionary): Think on your feet! -- Решай немедленно! Решай не откладывая! (что делать) ART Vancouver)
решать неотложные вопросыfight fires (To deal with urgent matters. . Interex)
решать проблемы по мере их появленияcross that bridge when one comes to it (The job interview is a week away, so I'm not worried about it yet—I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. thefreedictionary.com Yeldar Azanbayev)
решать с наскокаdo something on the spur of the moment (VLZ_58)
решать с наскокаdo something without stopping to think (VLZ_58)
решать свои проблемыtend one's own garden (VLZ_58)
решать читателюexercise for the reader (аудитории/вам и т.д. VLZ_58)
такие вопросы с кондачка не решаютсяsuch delicate issues cannot be solved overnight (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)