
Terms for subject General containing раскрывать карту | all forms | in specified order only
действовать "не раскрывая карт"play it close to the vest
действовать "не раскрывая карт"go undercover (Александр Рыжов)
не раскрывать все картыbe economical with the truth (euphemistic lie or deliberately withhold information ¦ Origin: from a statement given in evidence by Sir Robert Armstrong, British cabinet secretary, in the ‘Spycatcher' trial (1986), conducted to prevent publication of a book by a former MI5 employee. NODE. to not be completely honest about something. He was economical with the truth – he gave her a censored account of what was discussed. CI. Vladimir Putin is, after all "not above being economical with the truth, and nor for that matter is Mr Trump," says Sir Andrew, now an associate fellow focused on Russia at think-tank Chatham House. BBC Alexander Demidov)
не раскрывать карт при игреplay one's cards close to the chest
не раскрывать свои картыconceal one's hand (Beloshapkina)
не раскрывать своих картplay it close to the chest
"не раскрывая карт"close to the vest
не раскрывая свои картыclose to the vest (driven)
не спешить раскрывать все картыbe economical with the truth (Bartek2001)
он не хочет раскрывать свои картыhe is keeping his cards close to his chest
раскрывать все картыshow all your cards ( thefreedictionary.com Tanya Gesse)
раскрывать картуopen out a map
раскрывать картыtip ones hand (Igor Tolok)
раскрывать свои картыtip hand
раскрывать свои картыplay one's hand (КГА)
раскрывать свои картыtip one's hand
раскрывать свои картыreveal one's hand
раскрывать свои картыdeclare hand
раскрывать свои картыput cards on the table
раскрывать свои картыlay cards on the table
старается не раскрывать свои картыhe plays his cards close to the vest (mascot)