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употребляется в составе словосочетания "to go apeshit", означает обезьяньи фекалии, которыми приматы кидаются в разозлившего их соперникаapeshit (The media are going to go apeshit. СМИ нас порвут. (Abbyy Lingvo Pro). Словарь Urban dictionary говорит: "apeshit" – "A state of anger and rage that produces behavior more closely resembling that of an enraged ape than a human. From the habit of enraged apes of flinging their own feces at their object of anger. f.e. "Billy-Bob went apeshit when Jimmy-Joe puked up four moon pies on his '68 Dodge Dart.". Также Urban Dictionary даёт второе значение: "adj. An undignified loss of control, as in "To go apeshit". f.e. @"After losing the election, George went apeshit, trashing the Oval Office, the War Room, and the Clinton Memorial Bedroom." Также, см. в Wiki wiktionary.org inyazserg)