
Terms for subject Microsoft containing различной | all forms
Интернет – различное содержимоеOnline – Experience Can Change (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
мера числа различных объектовdistinct count measure (A measure commonly used to determine for each member of a dimension how many distinct, lowest-level members of another dimension share rows in the fact table)
настройка для различных версийmultitargeting (The ability to target code to specific versions (for example, 2.0, 3.5, 4, or 4.5) of the .NET Framework)
Почтовые адреса отправителей в различных странах могут оканчиваться на код домена этой страны, например ca, mx или us.the sender's email address in different countries/regions can end with top-level domain codes, such as .ca, .mx, or .ux. (Windows Live Mail W4M4)
Содержит различные часто используемые сетевые символыContains many commonly used network symbols. (Office System 2010, Visio 2013 Rori)