
Terms for subject General containing промышленные объекты | all forms | in specified order only
декларация промышленной безопасности опасного производственного объектаhazardous industrial facility occupational safety declaration (feyana)
заброшенный город или промышленный объектbrownfield (напр., Припять. A tract of land that has been developed for industrial purposes, polluted, and abandoned – Webster's Third International Dictionary grafleonov)
Методические рекомендации по организации производственного контроля за соблюдением требований промышленной безопасности на опасных производственных объектахthe methodology recommendations on the organization of the operational control of the compliance with the industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilities
объект промышленной собственностиindustrial property (• intangible property rights (as ownership of a trademark or patent) connected with agriculture, commerce, and industry. WTNI Alexander Demidov)
объект промышленной собственностиitem of industrial property (ABelonogov)
Объекты промышленного значенияIndustrial facilities (rechnik)
объекты промышленной собственностиindustrial property (Industrial property takes a range of forms, these include patents for inventions, industrial designs (aesthetic creations related to the appearance of industrial products), trademarks, service marks, layout-designs of integrated circuits, commercial names and designations, geographical indications and protection against unfair competition. In some cases, aspects of an intellectual creation, although present, are less clearly defined. What counts then is that the object of industrial property consists of signs conveying information, in particular to consumers, regarding products and services offered on the market. Protection is directed against unauthorized use of such signs that could mislead consumers, and against misleading practices in general. WK Alexander Demidov)
опасный промышленный объектhazardous operations industrial facility
отдел по надзору за промышленными объектамиIndustrial Facilities Inspection Department (Eleanor86)
патенты и другие охранные документы на объекты промышленной собственностиpatents (In modern usage, the term patent usually refers to the right granted to anyone who invents any new, useful, and non-obvious process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter. Some other types of intellectual property rights are also called patents in some jurisdictions: industrial design rights are called design patents in the US, plant breeders' rights are sometimes called plant patents, and utility models and Gebrauchsmuster are sometimes called petty patents or innovation patents. The additional qualification utility patent is sometimes used (primarily in the US) to distinguish the primary meaning from these other types of patents. Particular species of patents for inventions include biological patents, business method patents, chemical patents and software patents. WK Alexander Demidov)
Порядок осуществления экспертизы промышленной безопасности планов локализации и ликвидации аварийных ситуаций на взрывоопасных, пожароопасных и химически опасных производственных объектах и требования к оформлению заключения данной экспертизыProcedure for conducting industrial safety expert review of emergency isolation and response plans of explosion, fire, and chemically hazardous production facilities and requirements for such expert review conclusion preparation (Lidia P.)
промышленные объектыindustrial facilities (Georgy Moiseenko)
промышленный объектindustrial project
промышленный объект или производствоindustrial or manufacturing facility (Alexander Demidov)