
Terms for subject Notarial practice containing промышленные | all forms | exact matches only
промышленные праваindustrial property
промышленный образецutility model (A utility model is an intellectual property right to protect inventions. This right is available in a number of national statutes, as described below. It is very similar to the patent, but usually has a shorter term (often 6 to 15 years) and less stringent patentability requirements. The German and Austrian utility model is called the "Gebrauchsmuster", which influenced some other countries such as in Japan. In Indonesia the utility model is called a "Petty Patent". WAD ЛисаА)
Удостоверение по проверке знаний промышленной безопасностиIndustrial Safety and Health Certificate (Johnny Bravo)
Удостоверения по проверке знаний по промышленной безопасностиIndustrial Safety and Health Certificate (Johnny Bravo)
Удостоверения по проверке знаний промышленной безопасностиIndustrial Safety and Health Certificate (Johnny Bravo)