
Terms for subject Law containing производный | all forms | exact matches only
производное гражданствоderivative citizenship (напр гражданство, приобретаемое ребёнком вследствие натурализации родителей)
производное доказательствоderivative evidence
производное правоderivative right
производное приобретениеderivation acquisition
производное приобретениеderivative acquisition
производные доказательстваhearsay (4uzhoj)
производный бойкотsecondary boycott (бойкот фирмы, поддерживающий отношения с фирмой, находящейся под бойкотом)
производный бойкот Бойкот фирмыsecondary boycott
производный искderivative action (a lawsuit brought by a corporation shareholder against the directors, management and/or other shareholders of the corporation, for a failure by management. 'More)
производный искderivative suit (Anton S.)
производный искderivative claim (A litigation claim brought by a stockholder on behalf of a corporation against a corporation's management or board of directors typically alleging breach of fiduciary duty, fraud or mismanagement. The procedure for a derivative claim is governed by state law, but typically a stockholder must 1) have been a stockholder at the time of the alleged wrong doing; 2) retain ownership throughout the litigation; 3) make a demand on the board of directors to take corrective action or show that such a demand would be futile. 'More)
производный искderivative complaint (SergeyL)
производный титулderivative title (алешаBG)