
Terms for subject Gold mining containing прогнозные ресурсы | all forms | in specified order only
классификация запасов месторождений и прогнозных ресурсов твёрдых полезных ископаемыхclassification of reserve and possible resources of solid mineral deposits (Leonid Dzhepko)
прогнозные ресурсыgeological resources (D2; 10-4 Bema)
прогнозные ресурсыprognostic resources (P1, P2, P3; Cathy Bema)
прогнозные ресурсыinferred resources (D1; 10-4; Inferred coal resources Coal in unexplored extensions of the demonstrated resources for which estimates of the quality and size are based on geologic evidence and projection. Quantitative estimates are based largely on broad knowledge of the geologic character of the deposit and for which there are few, if any, samples or ... Found on – АД coaleducation.org Bema)